Raging Pheonix II wrote:I
was just wonderin if anybody else besides umm.. me on the forums likes dragonball gt cuz i'm a fanboy kinnnnnda embrassed about that
So just tell why you like it, if ya do anyway and also you gotta tell me why and when you got into it. I got into way back in 1997 or is it eight hahaha don't remember
lolz....i think this is a funny question.....just go to super search and look up the Dragon Ball vids...
anyway, Dogpile is a good search engine, but they are limited in a lot of ways, google is still my fav, but search engines suck, because unless the site lists it exactly as your search request, then your boned, and have to loog through over 40 pages of crap.
I am a DB, DBZ, DBGT fan, i have liked it ever since i was in Junior High and i saw Dragon Ball on the International Channel. Hell, even my DAD likes it. Its kind of silly ina lot of ways, like how it takes weeks/months to finish a fight, heh, but its always good to watch people get their asses kicked in a MAJOR way.
I remember when i was stupid and wasted money on the live action movie.............now THAT was a mistake....
But anywho....DB, DBZ, and DBGT are great for when you want to see "THE MOST POWERFULL BEING IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!" get his ass kicked.
Funny though, how like...in DBZ, everyone was so afraid of Frieza.....but then like...his Dad was all uber, and got his ass kicked by a kid, who then challenged Goku, whipped out his sword, and then got punked by Goku who just used his finger.....makes you wonder how come Goku got so fucked up against Frieza in the first place. And don't give me this "Saiyans get more powerfull after every fight" crap...because all that time after Namek exploded, goku learned how to transmit...now fight....and now this little kid comes and fucks up the whole Frieza family...and then goku punks the kid with his finger.....gah.
oh..sorry for the ramble...heh. DB/Z/GT series rock