by Otohiko » Thu Apr 07, 2005 4:58 pm
Kai basically said everything I wanted to say.
As a huge fan of Monster, I'm both interested and cautious on this.
But I will admit one thing: Monster has had a very live-action feel to it all along, so the athmosphere could easily be related - and if it does, it will be an awesome movie, accessible to those who don't know anything about anime.
My mother, completely indifferent to anime in general, is a HUGE fan of Monster.
For all purposes though, even if it comes out amazingly well, I will consider it inferior to the anime series; because capturing a riveting 18 volumes of pure story and character in even two or three hours of film is impossible. An 80-episode series is the only way to do that.
If anything, this could bring a lot more new fans to the original. That I always welcome.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…