Anime Culture project... AMV creator pride, anyone?

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Anime Culture project... AMV creator pride, anyone?

Post by ShadowOfTwilight » Tue Jun 07, 2005 4:53 pm

Hey! Anyone want to help a time-scrapped, pocky-loving researcher give some extra shine to his report on Anime Culture?

I'm working on my English final project, finishing up the most challenging year at my high school (No, I'm a good AP student, of course I don't skip studying to edit AMVs, I don't know what you're talking about...), which is pretty much a research report where you hunt down an answer to a question about something we're interested in. So, since it would be a once in a lifetime chance to call working with anime "Homework", I'm doing my report on Anime Culture in America. One of my goals is to kill some of the anti-anime stereotypes that have been growing in my area.

The question I'm trying to answer is: What makes anime--and the culture that goes with it--so popular in a country so far away from its origin?

So, I thought it would be awesome if I could put some good info about the AMV scene into my essay. I know a fair amount about it already, I've seen plenty, and I've even tried my hand at a few myself... but what would really set it off is actually having an experienced (as in, has at least completed a vid before) creator featured in the text.

It shouldn't take more than 10 or 15 minutes, 15 at the max. Just some basic questions about what got you started with AMVs, why you chose to put out the effort and learn to create them, why you make them, that sort of thing. Nothing incredibly in-depth... that's why it wouldn't take very long. It'd really help my essay though. AIM would be easiest, MSN or IRC will take a little longer because I'd need to figure out how to use them... email is possible, but I'd rather not use it for this.

If anyone's up for it, PM, email, or IM me (if I'm online for that last one) to let me know when you're available. It would be a huge asset. Thanks!!


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