why does daisuke grow red wings in the anime d.n. angel??
- Joined: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:26 pm
- Location: yulee
why does daisuke grow red wings in the anime d.n. angel??
i can't figure it out. i have looked everywhere i can think of, but nothing tells me. does anyone here know why??
- *pUfFpUfF*mAgIcDrAgOn
- Joined: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:28 pm
- Location: Tacoma, WA
he happens to be god. oh darn i think that was a spoiler.
yeah so i really dont know which episode this is from, mind filling me in? and i stik with wat i said before. GOD, HE IS!

dicks like pussies, but pussies dont like dicks cuz pussies get fucked by dicks. Then theres assholes, nobody likes assholes cuz they get shit everywhere. ***MAAATTT DAAAAMONN***
- Joined: Mon Oct 01, 2001 12:43 pm
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Most likely since they were his own wings. Dark had his own set of wings as did Daisuke. I guess that Hiratori and Krad were similar with their wings but I'm not sure.
Since the red wings changed when Daisuke changed, I guess they would qualify as Daisuke's wings. Since they are his own wings then having them red isn't too far fetched.
Personally I thought the red wings looked much cooler than the black and white wings.
Since the red wings changed when Daisuke changed, I guess they would qualify as Daisuke's wings. Since they are his own wings then having them red isn't too far fetched.
Personally I thought the red wings looked much cooler than the black and white wings.
"What about us lesbians? . . . Your gonna burn in hell of course!" - MXC
"Hey dont knock masturbation, its sex with someone I love!" -- Woody Allen
"Evil will always triumph 'cuz good is dumb!" - Dark Helmet
"Hey dont knock masturbation, its sex with someone I love!" -- Woody Allen
"Evil will always triumph 'cuz good is dumb!" - Dark Helmet