cant think of the name [was Vampire Princess Miyu OAV]

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cant think of the name [was Vampire Princess Miyu OAV]

Post by The_Collection » Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:03 pm

i seen an anime way back and im trieing to remember its name. so if i talk about it may be some one can remember its name...

its about a girl who hunts demon/monsters. one of the episoid was a guy who was kiddnapping pretty girls and turning them in to statues and keeping them in a subway station place to keep thier beauty from fading away. and an other episoid (cant remember if it is with this one) was hunter girl when she was young and she was a vampire and her mom made her drink a class of her friends blood. at first, her friend thought it was a joke and asked to be turned into a vampire then the girls mom killed her and took her blood in a glass and fed it to the young girl who was a vampire.
Spikebomb00 wrote:Damn, I never thought I'd say this, but I guess it is possible to watch too much anime.

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Post by TaranT » Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:05 am

Vampire Princess Miyu (OAV)
You want the OAV, not the TV series.

[paizuri: Thread locked because the question was answered.]


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