Thundercats to claw at big screen!

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Super Shanko
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Thundercats to claw at big screen!

Post by Super Shanko » Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:48 am

[According to]

It will be "Ho!" time at the cineplexes, as movie script based on animated '80s show picked up by Warner Bros.

With the buzz around the upcoming Transformers movie in full swing, Hollywood is scrambling to get other 1980s kiddy properties in the production pipeline.

Transformers is being released by Dreamworks and Paramount early next month, Warner Bros. revealed that it is working on a live-action version of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, and now, another fond childhood memory is getting prepped for the silver screen.

Warner Bros. has optioned a script based on Thundercats, the 1980s afternoon cartoon featuring cat-like humanoids battling an evil sorcerer in a futuristic sci-fi setting, says Variety. The program saw the man-kitties flee their unstable home of Thundera for safer ground, fight for peace under the guidance of their leader Lion-O, and utter their trademark rally call, "Thundercats...Hoooooooooo!"

The script, penned by Paul Sopocy, will uncover the origin of the Thundercats and their nemeses, with much of the focus on Lion-O. Like other recent film projects based on animated properties, the Thundercats movie will be live action. No time frame has been set for the film's release.

As for me, I dont really know what to say or how to feel, anyone else?

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Post by OmniStrata » Thu Jun 07, 2007 10:10 am


It'd be nice to see a BotsMaster remake [LOVED that show, too bad its own high budget killed it]

Wonder what else should be re-movied...
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Post by DocturKnowles » Thu Jun 07, 2007 1:29 pm

A few years ago, they had the original Thundercats and He-Man on TV. I thought to myself, "Hey! Nostalgia!" And sat down to watch.

My memories are very good at lying, apparently. I couldn't stand more than 10 minutes of each. Now I understand why my parents hated the shows. It could be that I just saw a couple of bad eps, but ... eurgh.

So, in light of these revelations, I'd have to say that I'm prolly going to skip it.


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