Nagasarete Airantou

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Nagasarete Airantou

Post by Sukunai » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:24 am

I think this series will set a record for silly.

Just watched the first show. ... hp?id=7303

I fortunately have the whole 26 ep run.

Guy runs away from home, falls off the ship he was on, lands on an island full of young girls, there's no other males there, and no way off the island.

I am sure most guys would find this fun for a couple of days. But I'm old enough and wise enough to know it would get old real fast :)
I can't wait to watch more shows :)

I posted this here, as I am not empowered to post new threads into the series specific section.
A mod capable person could help me with that aspect if they wish :)
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.


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