guestimate how much you would owe, i'm probably over $20k

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guestimate how much you would owe, i'm probably over $20k

Post by Jasta85 » Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:47 pm

i've often wondered to myself how much i would have to pay if i bought the dvd's of every series i have watched. back in early highschool when i was just getting started on anime i purchased quite a few anime dvds and vhs, a few from stores but most from ebay. probably spent 250-300 dollars on them. i also watched a number of series on TV, although probably the only ones i got to watch completely was trigun and cowboy bebop. then i found the miracle of fansubs, and my anime watching skyrocketed as i was introduced to all the series that had not been shown or sold in the states.

all in all i think i've probably watched somewhere in the area of 70-90 complete series (movies not included). i've sort of tossed them into 4 categories
"mini" series - about 12 eps
regular series - usually 24 eps, although with additional seasons they can be 36 or 48
long/extended series - FMA, Hunter X Hunter, Fushi Yugi with multiple seasons and anywhere from 50-90 eps
epix series - ones over 100+ eps, the ones everyone knows about, naruto, one piece, bleach, dbz etc.

so, given that an anime DVD usually has around 3 eps (on average, some have 4, some have only 2). I tried to guess about how many episodes i have seen and divide that number by 3 to figure out how many DVD's that would be, and let's say about $20 per dvd.

so, i have no idea how many series i have exactly seen so i'm just gonna throw out some numbers. i'll say i've seen:
15 miniseries (180 eps)
50 regular series (1200 eps)
8 long/extended series (guestimating an average of 65 eps per series that makes 520 eps)
gonna say 5 epix series (prince of tennis, one piece, naruto, bleach, dbz, cant remember any others off the top of my head although i'm sure i've seen at least 1 or 2 others. those are pretty close to 1200 eps combined).

so, that totals 3100 eps, divided by 3 is about 1033 DVD's, which cost, at $20 a piece, $20,667

So, if i bought the DVDs for every episode i have ever watched, i would have paid roughly $20,667. thank god for TV and fansubs, anyone else care to guestimate how much they owe?

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Post by OropherZero » Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:12 am

at least 3 times that amount, although taking into consideration that over half of that = still unlicensed in Australia stuff. Can people see now why the anime industry is failing when we are expected to pay such insane amounts for the entertainment we want? :P An anime distributing store in Australia now recently downpriced all single dvds and will only be selling boxsets in the future which are like the only things which really sell. I think anime licensers should take this approach as the prices for individual dvds are too ridiculous =/ Boxsets alone can at least /3 the total amount spent on anime.

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Post by Sukunai » Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:57 am


I make it up in freely given advertising for the series.

I think a free copy is a fair deal :)

Counter question, how many series do you think would ever see the light of day on a shelf as a dvd if we never actually gave a damn to check out the subs?
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.


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