x2Animated wrote:Best AMV Title.
I approve that.Dr.Dinosaur wrote:I still think we should have a best "other"
We can name it something far better though. (best strange) (AMV most likely to have come from bizzaro world)
The reason is this.
We have a category for pretty much every other check box on our filter list.
There is one for dance, one for fun, one for comedy, one for lipsynch, special effects, character profile, action etc.
but not one for "other"
Don't the videos that are cool and unique get their own chance in the VCAs?
Alot of category suggestions fail because there is no way to filter for such videos easily, but for the "other" category there is already a built in filter. There is no reason not to include these wonderful albiet strange videos into the VCA contest.
(also best dinosaur)
Also : Why the fuck isn't there a psychedelic category ?
Best Storytelling is a category we must keepGloryQuestor wrote:So, will it be Best Storytelling again, or something new? It'll be up to you to convince me!