TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~ (5/25/13 & 5/26/13) (Philly, PA)

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D-chan ^_*
Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:01 pm
Location: Upper Darby, PA, USA
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TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~ (5/25/13 & 5/26/13) (Philly, PA)

Post by D-chan ^_* » Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:55 pm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, & Talent: TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~ Gets "Untucked" & Unveiled!!!!"
PRESS RELEASE FEATURES: Revelations regarding The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational's unprecedented 15th season, pre-reg & festivity exclusives, & MORE!
ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE URL: http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=174

Team TAKII PR Coalition
TAKII -- http://takii.pdnmz.com
TAKII: Paparazzi Press Room -- http://takii.pdnmz.com/interaction/paparazzi-press-room
TAKII Forum -- http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4

Established in February 2006, The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival. Featuring 2 main seasons & numerous other co-branded events & performances throughout each year, it's filled with a diverse multitude of "Festivities" well-suited for people from all walks of life & fandom. With maverick innovations, such as "Project "DATTE"" ("Delivering Assistance To The Extreme"), the Team TAKII Coalition (a distinguished group of our most passionate supporters & outreach volunteers), & the TAKII World Tour (a traveling & customizable entertainment experience for individuals & organizations alike), it entertains, inspires, & enriches the lives of its fans worldwide on a continuous basis.

Charisma. Uniqueness. Nerve. Talent. These are the 4 most precious qualities one can embody in their own personal pursuits of TAKII-fied infamy. Are you ready to be served up Asian fusion festival realness in all of its fiercest forms in our quest to celebrate the most dynamic femme fatales in Asian culture fandom HERstory? If so, "sashay you stay"! TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~ will be taking place from Philly, PA's The Rotunda on May 25th & 26th, 2013 (with hours of operation slated to be 9:00am - 11:00pm on both days). Our inner-lights collectively shine bright & our souls burn with a passion for Asian culture fandom that is simply 2nd to none. No matter what shade you are on the outside, we promise to bring out your inner-glamazASIAN for the world to see!
The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational (TAKII), http://takii.pdnmz.com, the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival!

D-chan ^_*
Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:01 pm
Location: Upper Darby, PA, USA
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{{PR}} TAKII 15 Unveilings & The Year Of The TAKII Family

Post by D-chan ^_* » Sun May 05, 2013 7:05 pm

PRESS RELEASE FEATURES: Final pre-reg deadline for #1 Contender's Passes & Vendor Table Slots, info on TAKII 15's "Brand New Debut", & the introduction to 2013 becoming "The Year Of The TAKII Family"!
ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE URL: http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=191

Team TAKII PR Coalition
TAKII -- http://takii.pdnmz.com
TAKII: Paparazzi Press Room -- http://takii.pdnmz.com/interaction/paparazzi-press-room
TAKII Forum -- viewforum.php?f=4

Established in February 2006, The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival. Featuring 2 main seasons & numerous other co-branded events & performances throughout each year, it's filled with a diverse multitude of "Festivities" well-suited for people from all walks of life & fandom. With maverick innovations, such as "Project "DATTE"" ("Delivering Assistance To The Extreme"), the Team TAKII Coalition (a distinguished group of our most passionate supporters & outreach volunteers), & the TAKII World Tour (a traveling & customizable entertainment experience for individuals & organizations alike), it entertains, inspires, & enriches the lives of its fans worldwide on a continuous basis.

Charisma. Uniqueness. Nerve. Talent. These are the 4 most precious qualities one can embody in their own personal pursuits of TAKII-fied infamy. Are you ready to be served up Asian fusion festival realness in all of its fiercest forms in our quest to celebrate the most dynamic femme fatales in Asian culture fandom HERstory? If so, "shantay you stay"! TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~ will be taking place from Philly, PA's The Rotunda on May 25th & 26th, 2013 (with hours of operation slated to be 9:00am - 11:00pm on both days). Our inner-lights collectively shine bright & our souls burn with a passion for Asian culture fandom that is simply 2nd to none. No matter what shade you are on the outside, we promise to bring out your inner-glamazASIAN for the world to see!
The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational (TAKII), http://takii.pdnmz.com, the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival!

D-chan ^_*
Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:01 pm
Location: Upper Darby, PA, USA
Org Profile

{{PR}} TAKII 15's Brand-New Debut: HADOUKENCHICKEN!

Post by D-chan ^_* » Fri May 10, 2013 10:04 pm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Better Than Baked Or Fried: J-Music Tribute Group HadoukenChicken! Makes Its Worldwide Debut At TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~!
PRESS RELEASE FEATURES: The inside scoop on TAKII's seasonal Brand-New Debut guest performers....as told by the members themselves!
ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE URL: http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=199

Team TAKII PR Coalition
TAKII -- http://takii.pdnmz.com
TAKII: Paparazzi Press Room -- http://takii.pdnmz.com/interaction/paparazzi-press-room
TAKII Forum -- http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4

Established in February 2006, The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival. Featuring 2 main seasons & numerous other co-branded events & performances throughout each year, it's filled with a diverse multitude of "Festivities" well-suited for people from all walks of life & fandom. With maverick innovations, such as "Project "DATTE"" ("Delivering Assistance To The Extreme"), the Team TAKII Coalition (a distinguished group of our most passionate supporters & outreach volunteers), & the TAKII World Tour (a traveling & customizable entertainment experience for individuals & organizations alike), it entertains, inspires, & enriches the lives of its fans worldwide on a continuous basis.

Charisma. Uniqueness. Nerve. Talent. These are the 4 most precious qualities one can embody in their own personal pursuits of TAKII-fied infamy. Are you ready to be served up Asian fusion festival realness in all of its fiercest forms in our quest to celebrate the most dynamic femme fatales in Asian culture fandom HERstory? If so, "shantay you stay"! TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~ will be taking place from Philly, PA's The Rotunda on May 25th & 26th, 2013 (with hours of operation slated to be 9:00am - 11:00pm on both days). Our inner-lights collectively shine bright & our souls burn with a passion for Asian culture fandom that is simply 2nd to none. No matter what shade you are on the outside, we promise to bring out your inner-glamazASIAN for the world to see!
The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational (TAKII), http://takii.pdnmz.com, the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival!

D-chan ^_*
Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:01 pm
Location: Upper Darby, PA, USA
Org Profile

{{ PR }} TAKII 15's Philly Debut Is Upon Us!

Post by D-chan ^_* » Fri May 17, 2013 12:01 am

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- The Time Has Finally Come: TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~ Makes Its Debut At Philly's The Rotunda In Groundbreaking Fashion!
PRESS RELEASE FEATURES: Details behind the revival of our video game-flavored festivities, the release of our seasonal Hardcore Handbook, & a final TAKII 15 blessing!
ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE URL: http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=200

Team TAKII PR Coalition
TAKII -- http://takii.pdnmz.com
TAKII: Paparazzi Press Room -- http://takii.pdnmz.com/interaction/paparazzi-press-room
TAKII Forum -- http://amen.pdnmz.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=4

Established in February 2006, The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational is the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival. Featuring 2 main seasons & numerous other co-branded events & performances throughout each year, it's filled with a diverse multitude of "Festivities" well-suited for people from all walks of life & fandom. With maverick innovations, such as "Project "DATTE"" ("Delivering Assistance To The Extreme"), the Team TAKII Coalition (a distinguished group of our most passionate supporters & outreach volunteers), & the TAKII World Tour (a traveling & customizable entertainment experience for individuals & organizations alike), it entertains, inspires, & enriches the lives of its fans worldwide on a continuous basis.

Charisma. Uniqueness. Nerve. Talent. These are the 4 most precious qualities one can embody in their own personal pursuits of TAKII-fied infamy. Are you ready to be served up Asian fusion festival realness in all of its fiercest forms in our quest to celebrate the most dynamic femme fatales in Asian culture fandom HERstory? If so, "shantay you stay"! TAKII 15 ~GlamazASIANS~ will be taking place from Philly, PA's The Rotunda on May 25th & 26th, 2013 (with hours of operation slated to be 9:00am - 11:00pm on both days). Our inner-lights collectively shine bright & our souls burn with a passion for Asian culture fandom that is simply 2nd to none. No matter what shade you are on the outside, we promise to bring out your inner-glamazASIAN for the world to see!
The Asian Karaoke Idol Invitational (TAKII), http://takii.pdnmz.com, the world's most extreme Asian culture fusion festival!


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