I am very proud to announce the AWA Editors roast of:

That's right. The VAT director himself has stood up to the challenge.
But who has the heart (or lack there of) to demoralize our illustrious leader? Well, that's the fun part. This year I have hand selected for you fine people 4 total assholes, bastards of only the lowest caliber who would dare such a feat:
Ghet - the obligatory CBR pick and all around bad guy. Come see him at his worst, picking on a defenseless old man.
MaboroshiStudio - A grumpy old man who still thinks that laserdisks are the future. Really he's just Jingoro's evil clone.
Fall_Child42 - Dr. Dinosaur himself! A man so unoriginal he had to steal my schtick.
jesspanda - That's right, the director of Momocon. Because she knows Jingoro personally, knows AMVs very well, and most importanly: I think it'll be funny.
These 4 will be lead (and possibly drug off stage) by our Roast Master and appropriately master of ceremonies, someone so desperate for free admission he accepted THIS. A man who needs no introduction, and deserves one even less:
Let the hype begin!
Also stick around after the roast for a venue you'll never forget, no matter how hard you try. Info coming soon.