Preparing to attend my first con next summer... Help!

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Post by chuckg31 » Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:37 am

Ha, this is funny. As it is scheduled right now, Otakon 2004 will be my first official "big" con also. I am also working my butt off to have a good video for the AMV contest too.

If anyone has ever seen Mindwarps con documentary's they do, I am interested in doing basically the same thing. I know that I have enjoyed watching footage from con's that I wish I could have been to. I would like to give visitors to my site much the same option. Anyway, the camera I will be taking is super expensive, the Canon XL1S and I was wondering if I should take some kind of "protection" with me? I mean, is it possible that people would try to jack it from me while im using it? When it isn't in use I would take all the proper precautions for it not to be stolen....but I was just wondering.

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Post by Scintilla » Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:45 am

chuckg31 wrote:I was wondering if I should take some kind of "protection" with me?
Couldn't hurt to have some around just in case. :wink:
:pizza: :pizza: Image :pizza: :pizza:

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Post by chuckg31 » Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:10 am

Ha, I like your attitude Scintilla!

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Post by Skyshroud » Wed May 12, 2004 9:04 am

Scintilla wrote: And as for me, Otakon X was my FIRST con ever... so I didn't have a basis for comparison, so I wasn't blown away by how big it was. And I think the only time I had to stand in line was for registration, and then for MAT3K (which segued into the AMV contest screening)
Exactly what you said Scintilla. Otakon X was my first as well (although I've been to anime much longer than last year, so I hate to admit it :( ). I'd add only two things to what has already been said...

1. If you can, find a map of the Baltimore Convention Center and look it over befroe you go and keep it with you while there. The place is quite large and physically split into seprate buildings somewhat, so if its your first time there you might get turned around once or twice. If you can't find a map (I honestly don't know if the place has an online site or anything, never thought to check till now), you might just try getting the basic layout straight with someone you know who has been there before (and presumably has good memory :) ).

2. If at all possible, PRE-REGISTER! When I went last year everyone I knew did and I thought, "oh well, no rush, I'll just stand in line like every other procrastinating Otaku"... Bad idea! I thought I'd never get out of that damn line! It snaked all along the perimeter outside of the main building all the way to the registration desks, and it was hot too! From what I've heard from other people I know you can pre-register online, I'll see if can find the site URL and post it here, (I already got it taken care of since my anime club just collects money from anyone who wants to pre-reg. and does it en masse). If anyone else knows it feel free to beat me to the punch and post before me (after I hit the submit button here I'll go search for the site).

The long and short is this, Otakon is huge, so be prepared for a crowd, but it really isn't that bad, other than getting in and receving your pass for the 3 days, you almost never encounter long lines. When you do for various events, its been my experience that they move fast, and the feel of the area itself doesn't seemed cramped, there's plenty of room in most, if not all places. So, if you don't mind taking on a large event as your first con, and you make sure you go with people that have been there before, you ought to be fine, just make sure you have all arrangements (room, ride, tickets, etc.) firmly in place in advance, that's all.

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Post by Skyshroud » Wed May 12, 2004 9:34 am

Ok just found it, wow big surprise, (could've just guessed at this one) its Just click on the vitals link at the top and hit register to pre-reg.

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Post by Skyshroud » Wed May 12, 2004 6:06 pm

chuckg31 wrote:Ha, this is funny. As it is scheduled right now, Otakon 2004 will be my first official "big" con also. I am also working my butt off to have a good video for the AMV contest too.

If anyone has ever seen Mindwarps con documentary's they do, I am interested in doing basically the same thing. I know that I have enjoyed watching footage from con's that I wish I could have been to. I would like to give visitors to my site much the same option. Anyway, the camera I will be taking is super expensive, the Canon XL1S and I was wondering if I should take some kind of "protection" with me? I mean, is it possible that people would try to jack it from me while im using it? When it isn't in use I would take all the proper precautions for it not to be stolen....but I was just wondering.
Sounds like a nice idea, documenting the Con for your site and all, I hope you like it. So far as the camera goes, Baltimore isn't exactly a shining example of a crime free city (::hack:: ::cough:: used to have a higher murder rate higher than New York at one point... ::cough:: ::cough::). However, its gotten much better in recent years, and from what I've seen the convention center is safe, I seriously doubt anyone would be idiotic enough to jack a camera off you in front of thousands of Otaku who would be displeased seeing someone get robbed/conned (pun totally unintentional) at the convetion. Security is good too so I don't think you'll have anyone actually weilding a weapon or anything, so it would defintely be someone like an oppertunist who would grab it while your head is turned if anything. So basically, don't leave your filming gear unattended (which I assume from the "proper precautions" comment you wouldn't) and if you go outside late at night, don't go waving it in front of people down a dark alley, and you shouldn't have a problem. So I guess bringing along protection wouldn't hurt (::resists urge to make reference back to Scintilla's earlier innuendo::) but either way, I think you'll be ok. Btw, I just have to ask, what kind of protection were you considering? Armed bodyguard?, automated camera alarm ("please put down and step away from the XL1S")?, chaining it to your ankle (hmm, I feel a bad Stevy Knicks joke coming on... "still hear you sayin' you will never break the chain" lol :D)?, or what?

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Post by chuckg31 » Thu May 13, 2004 3:09 am

First off, thanks for the input Skyshroud. I am still riding the fence on whether or not I am going to bring my camera. It would be totally cool to be able to bring the experience back for many other people as well as myself, but the XL1 isn’t a small camera. I think I would get annoyed carrying it on my shoulder for five or six hours at a time as my hotel isn’t walking distance. Babysitting that the whole time might ruin the experience of the con. If I had a ZR85 or something small like that it wouldn’t be a big deal. Right now I think I am just going to bring my small Fuji still camera. Things could change.

For protection I was going to bring the entire Detroit Lions football team (I am from Michigan). They suck at football anyway, so it isn’t like I would be taking away from their practice time if they came with me.

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Post by Skyshroud » Thu May 13, 2004 12:07 pm

chuckg31 wrote: For protection I was going to bring the entire Detroit Lions football team (I am from Michigan). They suck at football anyway, so it isn’t like I would be taking away from their practice time if they came with me.
Lol! That's a creative use of man-power if I ever heard one! If you actually convince them to come with you make sure they aren't wearing their uniforms, if you encounter any die hard Ravens fans near the stadium, it might get ugly :shock: jk.


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