anime in indiana

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anime in indiana

Post by flora3535 » Mon Feb 02, 2004 8:43 pm

when is there a convention in indiana? or any neighboring state i just wanted to know badly because i have never found out aobut them untill they were over :( so that wasn't fun. ok well i hope there is one comming up if you know about any comming up soon please do tell.
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Post by flora3535 » Fri Feb 06, 2004 7:07 pm

am i talking to my self
doesn't anyone that lives near indiana have anime convention knowabouts? ok well then...
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Post by flora3535 » Tue Feb 10, 2004 5:40 pm

i am a loner aren't i?
hello does any one reply these things?? HELLO!? ANY ONE HOME?
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Post by flora3535 » Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:26 pm

meep meep *off runs road runner and then gets hit by a bus*

ouch that must hurt

how that is related i have no clue

is there no conventions in indiana at all?

or is it that no one cares?

y do i even bother?

am i weird?

lets talk about something else then o i don't know

o well

will some one just say somthing
any thing at all

it can even be just one letter

even that would make me happy

i want cheese cake

anyone live near indianpolis?
or in it?

i swear its like talking to my self here.

i like ferrets.

ok i'm done i swear.

o wait smile fun time

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Post by Brad » Sat Feb 28, 2004 1:29 am

Though sorry to burst your bubble, it's a pretty sucky ass con. Your best bets are to go a bit out of state to <a href="">Anime Central</a> in Chicago coming in May (really big, lots of AMV people) and <a href="">Ohayocon</a> in Ohio (which just passed though)
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Post by RoseEclipse » Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:50 pm

All hail Indiana people, as well as the MidWest! I LOVE that place!!

FYI, I dont think anything is going to happen in Indiana, as in big conventions. But I've heard that colleges have their fan clubs and maybe you can organize one as well-grab a spare room somewhere, or meet in a BarnesandNobles as well.

Funny as it is, I'm having trouble finding things in the dead smack heart of NYC!! Can't leave to go to Boston or NJ, so I'm stuck.

Am I to assume that BAAF will NOT be here in 2004? Arrrrgh!!


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