As the con date approaches, I guess I'll be arranging meeting times with some of the people here.

Either way I enjoyed myself and I'm looking forward to being on the workshop or the AMV pannel this year. Which ever one they decide to put me on.Vlad G Pohnert wrote:I think you are refering to the "AMV" workshop rather than the panel... The panel was different from the workshop and has been around for quite some years now... The Workshop was new and was more on the technical aspects of making itgenestarwind21122 wrote:Last year the pannel consisted of VicBond007, ANTDrakko and me. Some how people couldn't make it and I knew I had some knoweldge and I could have been of some help so I decided to help with the pannel. The pannel last year gave me even more inspiration to create videos. Just being able to help people out with their questions is a great feeling. So yeah I'm looking forward to this year.
I'll tell you what it is. A lot of f'ing work. I miss the days when Otakon was smaller and required less man-power to get it organized and executed. For instance, Anime USA still feels like a get-together among friends where we hang-out, and in our spare time happen to run an AMV room with panels, showings, contests, and punch. Otakon on the other hand feels like a part-time or full-time job except without the pay. I think a lot of people fail to realize that we're all doing this as volunteers. Hell, because of Otakon I don't even have the time to watch anime anymore which is a strange position to be in since part of my job is to try and track trends and select artwork that are popular.*dji wrote:Otakon is not a con, it's an ADVENTURE!