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If posting about a specific convention, please mention the year along with its name in the title.
If posting about a specific convention, please mention the year along with its name in the title.
- supaichigo
- Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:47 am
Ok, so, I'm pretty sure I'm going to this convention called the kumoricon. This is gonna be my first anime convention. Has anyone been to this one before? Can you tell me what the convention's like or tell me what any kind of anime conventions are like. I've only seen pictures. I'm not sure if I wanna dress up and I don't want to feel alone, I guess...Any kind of description would help. Oh and I'm not sure if I should or shouldnt bring money. Will there be things I can buy? EEE I'm just so excited.
So yea....

- Deadly-Ninja
- Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:34 pm
- Location: Los Angeles
My first time to
Hiya there well anime convension consists of people dressing up as any anime character they want there are also contest's like for example on july 1-4 there's going to be ananime expo that Im going to attend.(dressing up as blackrose from .hack) anyways there are going to sale manga's,anime,and there are going to be costume contest,karioke,and much more.Also in a convension they show you trailors of anime to come.And I do advice you to bring money because they sale cool things. 

- HyperShadow_theHedgehog
- Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:54 pm
- Location: Somewhere trying to hitchhike to the ARK..
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I also may go to KumoriCon, as I live near the Portland area. I hope to go this September, but only for a day...^_^;;; If I can go I`m going to cosplay *cough points to avatar/signature* And it would also be my first convention, I`ve heard a lot about them and pretty much know what to expect. But oh yes, I would strongly suggest that you bring as much extra money as possible. ^_^ So much merchandise! Anyways, hope to see you there!
- Pie Row Maniac
- Joined: Fri Jan 04, 2002 9:38 pm
- Status: is not Quo!
- Location: Portland, OR
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I recommend bringing money if you plan to buy things at the dealer's room (DVDs, shirts, figures, posters, wallscrolls, plushies, etc etc). They can get pretty pricey in there, just so you know. From what I recall, they're usually retail prices and higher.
As for preparing yourself, get some sleep the night before. If you want to try and see as much of the con as you can in those three days you'll be moving around a lot looking for the right rooms (I got a little lost last year looking for a couple places, running to and fro).
Cosplaying is actually pretty fun, despite what some AMV editors might say.
People will run up to you and act excited that you dressed up as their favorite anime character from their favorite anime or whatever. When I dressed up at SakuraCon 03 (I was Terry Bogard) tons of people wanted me to pose for pictures. I won't lie to you, I loved the attention. 
Most of all, don't let the idea of crowds get to you, if it does at all. Outbursts of personalities and humor make great con memories (for both you and whoever happens to be around you at the time). Just enjoy yourself; that's what your there for. Hope to see you there.
/end lecture
As for preparing yourself, get some sleep the night before. If you want to try and see as much of the con as you can in those three days you'll be moving around a lot looking for the right rooms (I got a little lost last year looking for a couple places, running to and fro).
Cosplaying is actually pretty fun, despite what some AMV editors might say.

Most of all, don't let the idea of crowds get to you, if it does at all. Outbursts of personalities and humor make great con memories (for both you and whoever happens to be around you at the time). Just enjoy yourself; that's what your there for. Hope to see you there.

/end lecture

- Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2003 4:30 pm
Ok as one of the people that have been at Kumoricon since it started
3 Things You need in this order
1 MONEY the more the better
2 CAFFEINE and POCKY perferably Mountain dew the nectar of the gods
3 Hotel room place to store swag and to get about 3 hours of sleep whole con.
You defiantly want to be aware of the fact that the staff at the con do try to make the con as fun as possible and that if you have questions about the con you should ask them. The dealers room isn't to bad I disagree with what the last guy said about the stuff being more expensive normally it's pretty completive to what you would find in the stores and a lot of the times you can find things at cons that you can't find anywhere else.
As far as Costumes go You don't have to worry about wearing one only about 35-40% actually go in costumes. A lot of people come for one day just to see the con I always recommend the full 3 days though that gives you time to see everything. if you have any other questions you can always pm me
3 Things You need in this order
1 MONEY the more the better
2 CAFFEINE and POCKY perferably Mountain dew the nectar of the gods
3 Hotel room place to store swag and to get about 3 hours of sleep whole con.
You defiantly want to be aware of the fact that the staff at the con do try to make the con as fun as possible and that if you have questions about the con you should ask them. The dealers room isn't to bad I disagree with what the last guy said about the stuff being more expensive normally it's pretty completive to what you would find in the stores and a lot of the times you can find things at cons that you can't find anywhere else.
As far as Costumes go You don't have to worry about wearing one only about 35-40% actually go in costumes. A lot of people come for one day just to see the con I always recommend the full 3 days though that gives you time to see everything. if you have any other questions you can always pm me