*Cues Up Random Korn, Drowning Pool, or Disturbed Song for the anger value, and Eats some of the aforementioned Pie.*
Wow. we have another pissed-at-his-parents-out-of-control-suburban-white-youth on our hands! Watch out! He could blow at any time! He's likely to hold up a Starbucks or a Gap!Ichiban Crush wrote:Angry? Me? Sure, I'm bitter, sarcastic, rash, and maybe <s>somewhat</s> off-balance asshole with the most warped ethic code known to man, constantly teeter-tottering on the brink of hypocricy and what actually checks out
I didn't say specifically, dumbass.Ichiban Crush wrote:Have I belittled anyone specifically?
No, angry is not "nonstop ranting, overuse of exclaimation points, and using all caps", those are some of the major signs of schizophrenia (See: Uncontrollable yelling and screaming).Ichiban Crush wrote:Angry is nonstop ranting, overuse of exclaimation points, and using all caps, none of which I've done.
You misunderstand me, what I was "trying" to do, which I thought was clear from earlier posts, was apologize for my actions on the night of Saturday, September 28, 2002; not start a flamewar on Carlos' thread.Ichiban Crush wrote:But angry? Gonna have to try a lot harder than that. All I'm trying to do is set some facts straight, and have tried to be pretty damned civilized about it.
Dictionary.com disagrees.Ichiban Crush wrote:Yes, I use assloads of profanity when I'm civil. That's not anger, that's just me. One doesn't have to be formal to be civil.
1) Of, relating to, or befitting a citizen or citizens: civil duties.
2) Of or relating to citizens and their interrelations with one another or with the state: civil society; the civil branches of government.
3) Of ordinary citizens or ordinary community life as distinguished from the military or the ecclesiastical: civil authorities.
4) Of or in accordance with organized society; civilized.
5) Sufficiently observing or befitting accepted social usages; not rude: a civil reply. See Synonyms at polite.
See #5 for the most appropriate meaning pertaining to this thread.
...... Wasn't the fact that I didn't care about your dumb ass made clear in the last post I made? Or did I somehow hallucinate this whole thing?Ichiban Crush wrote:And stop twisting my words around while you're at it. If anything I say makes you angry or makes you feel insulted, deal.
Really? This seems to think different:Ichiban Crush wrote:BTW, was I even refering to you when I made that last post? Because I could have sworn I was refering to some other guy's post, therefore no needing for you to respond to that whatsoever.
Make general Statements, get general Replies.Ichiban Crush wrote:I dunno, I think Cross was about fifty times better than that shit you kids play nowadays like FFX and CounterStrike.
Hey, those "kids" you refer to are quite descriptive of me! Maybe I was right in assuming that well contrived zinger was meant for me![/sarcasm]
Keep 'em comin, I've seen it all.