DAMN STRAIGHT, yo.Sephiroth wrote:The AMV community is alot friendly then the cosplay community. Cos playing is fun though as along as people don't take it ultra serious. Thats all i have to say about that.
*fifteen thumbs-up in a row*
One of my online pet peeves is snotty cosplayers who rip into people for not spending as much on their costumes as they did. GOOD FREAKING LORD PEOPLE YOU ARE DRESSING UP AS ANIMATED CHARACTERS. GET OVER YOURSELVES.
Sorry, just needed to get that out. >_<
It's a lot of fun, and like some AMVers people forget about fun and treat it like a chore. Unfortunately, this describes only about 2% of AMVers and 50% of cosplayers.
However, I know of cosplayers who literally think they ARE a character and live their entire lives patterned after a character. This knowledge soothes my evil, sadistic little soul.
So yeah, it's a case of "love the thing, hate its fans."