Anyone going to the CNAE???

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Post by Otohiko » Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:16 pm


It was fun. Great stuff, didn't get to see so much of the anime as I did of Fred Gallagher. Suppose I should rename this year to CNME - Canadian National Megatokyo Convention.

I might or might not be there next year (I'm likely going on an exchange during that school year, and I could well be gone by aug. 27) - if not, then Anime North will hopefully be something I visit next year...

It was good hanging with you... oh yea, in case he didn't tell you - the 'Piro stunt double' guy will have a lot of pictures posted on his site, probably tomorrow - that's at I believe.

Cheers 8)
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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Moonlight Soldier
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Post by Moonlight Soldier » Mon Aug 25, 2003 8:29 am

Weep!!! I could only go on Sunday...But we had soooo much fun just the same....heh.....i spent so much money....

I missed the Masquerade :( (Rachel a.k.a Kaiba, Sakura (Naruto) , Kimono Girl, she changed costume everyday was raving about it).

Did you guys catch any premiers? I thought Witch Hunter Robin was really cool...

*current status*=saving money for anime north....i think it's May 28th ish....

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Post by Otohiko » Tue Aug 26, 2003 7:27 pm

Nope, didn't catch any premieres as I was too embroiled in the whole Megatokyo thing. However, I still have WHR fansubs, which I haven't watched but what I've seen really was cool.

Now, here's a question: Who knows the AMV's screened at the contest?

Personally, I was a little puzzled by the whole competition. Three qualms: On one hand, you have this seeming 'originality bias', where a lot of the AMV's use anime I've never seen nor even heard of until the con, nevermind watched AMV's to them. On the other hand, you have bizzarely bad music bias - Evanescence for 3 (!!!) of the screened AMV's, two (!!!!!) actually being among the winners. Lastly, and it might just be the fact that I went on a good 35 hours of no sleep before the contest, but why was it so damn WEIRD? The videos! Christ! I had to ask my brother several times whether he actually saw 'that AMV with the kids and shit' (it was actually from Alien 9 I think), because I thought it was some kind of BAD hallucination. Hair turning into drills and teeth coming out of hats and stomachs? Oh Jesus! And the acid trip seemed to go on for quite a few other outrightly weird AMV's.

Plus, the video quality was a bit poor and the image too dark.

So, that's my thought on this Anime Evanescence Contest.

Of the screened AMV's, the only one I knew was Tom the Fish's Love Hina vid.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…


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