P.S Please add ot the list after my name! Thanks again! Bai!
- Aredhel (Kim) - Chelmsford, MA
You don't have to embolden the entirety of your text, we can all read non-bold text easily enough.Aredhel12Star wrote:Hi! I just wanted to know who is going to Anime Boston 2003! I'm not sure if I'm going becasue my parents are totally anit-anime , but I might be bale to go if one of my friends can give me a ride. Ok, I'm sort of getting off the topic, but I just wanted the peopel who are going to ANime Boston 2003 to put there name down and where they are from. Ok thanks! Later Dudes!
P.S Please add ot the list after my name! Thanks again! Bai!
- Aredhel (Kim) - Chelmsford, MA