Anime Detour (Revised, Revamped)

Convention Meetups, Socials, and Events
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Dustbunny Fish
Joined: Sat May 29, 2004 3:26 pm
Location: Sartell, Minnesota, United States
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Anime Detour (Revised, Revamped)

Post by Dustbunny Fish » Sat May 29, 2004 5:23 pm

I saw so far that there was only one thread dedicated to Anime Detour, so I thought I would create one that will hopefully be a bit more active.

So what is Anime Detour?: Anime Detour is a convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As of now the new hotel is currently to be determined. But as soon as I hear word as to where it is, I will post it here.

With that stated, welcome!
Are you REAL karaters?!


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