Project OrgEditor Season 3 : The King of Spring
Welcome one and all to the third season of Project OrgEditor, a contest sponsored by, and yours truely, CodeZTM. It is time once again for editors across the globe to gather together and compete for the title of Project OrgEditor champion, and join our Hall of Fame, alongside champions of the past.
So let's get right into it!
Contest Information
Project OrgEditor Season 3 is a single-elimination tournament, where we start with a large group of editors, have them edit to a particular theme challenge, and the lowest scoring videos of each round are eliminated from the competition. We then repeat the process for a total of 4 rounds of competing until we are left with our final 3 competitors who will go at it in the final round to fight for the championship.
What will the themes be? That's a secret to all until the time is right! Though, here is a preview of your weeks to come:
Contest Rules
Section 1 : Expectation of Entrants
Entrants are expected to compete in each and every round. Please DO NOT sign up if you do not have the time/energy to enter the competition. It is a weekly edit for 5 weeks, with only 2 days rest in between rounds for judging. If you cannot commit, do NOT compete.
Entrants may join as an individual or a partnership (not to exceed 2 editors total).
Entrants are accepted on a first-come first-serve basis.
Entrants agree for their videos to be used in future contest promotional material, with proper credit given to the editors involved.
Entrants are expected to treat other entrants with respect. Rudness/flaming/disrespect will NOT be tolerated.
Entrants agree that any violations of any rules will result in a disqualification from our contest.
Section 2 : Rounds
Entrants will compete in “rounds” of competition. There are five rounds overall, and each round will have a specific “theme challenge” that editors will have to create their videos in accordance with.
At the end of the judging for each round, the lowest scoring videos (in accordance with elimination numbers assigned beforehand) will be eliminated. Bonus points are awarded to the top 3 videos in each round. These bonus points will be applied to all future video scores in every subsequent round.
Each round of competition shall last for one week each. Videos are due by the end of the day (23:59:59 CST) on THAT day. To account for time zones, editors should contact me before each round to confirm when their video is due. Countdown clocks will be provided for your benefit. A few hours of consideration will be granted for uploading and time zones, if (and only if) I am contacted beforehand and given a SOLID time of when I can expect the video to be sent to me.
Section 3 : Content / Technical / Uploading
All AMVs entered into this contest must meet standards of uploading. Meaning that if it cannot be uploaded to, you cannot enter it into our contests.
Each video (upon completion) must be sent to me via a reputable file sharing service. You may NOT upload your video to the public until the end of the judging phase for that particular round. Videos will be shared with the public (anonymously) via the google drive system and their preview option.
Videos must be in the following formats:
Containers: AVI, MP4, MKV
Video Codec(s): H.264, XviD, DivX (5, 6 and 7)
Audio Codec(s): MP3, AAC,
AMVs must be less than 150 MB, unless an applicable reason is given otherwise.
Section 4 : Judging
Judges will be public, but judging will be blind. Videos MUST retain their anonymity until the end of the round to ensure this. Judges have been instructed to leave short comments regarding the scores given and their overall opinion of your videos. Also, if you're reading this, congratulations for actually reading the entire thread! Please note that you should put an icon/picture of a wizard in your registration post. Posts without wizards will not be considered.
Each video will be judged based upon the following criteria:
Concept: 20 Points
Visual/Audio: 20 Points
Sync/Editing: 20 Points
Theme Challenge: 20 Points
Overall: 20 Points
Concept: If the video has a point to it. Is it 3 minutes of footage slapped onto a song, or is there a purpose behind the editing? While it doesn't necessarily have to have a story, it should still have a purpose/theme behind it.
Visual/Audio: Technical aspect of the video. 10 points for visual and 10 points for audio. Is the footage as clean as it can be? Is the audio as script and clear as can be? Please be sure to take note that older sources will not be penalized for being an old source.
Sync/Editing: How well the video was edited/synced to the music. Does the video and music work well together? Did the editor actually edit the video?
Theme Challenge: How well the video addressed the theme challenge. Does the video attempt to take the challenge into account, or is it just a video for the sake of being a video?
Overall: How the video comes together as a whole. Does the editing/sync, the theme challenge, the technical qualities and the concept meld together well?
Meet The Judges
Let's meet our wonderful panel of judges for this year!
AimoAio: AimoAio has been a wonderful member of the community for a long time, and always has something to say about videos. Her critiques are fair, detailed and she is often the kind of person you'd want to beta test or review your video!
Jaddziadax: Long time member of, Jaddziadax has just about seen it all! Having been here since 2004, she is sure to bring a veteran's eye to the field of judging for this year's contest.
Kimberly: Having been closely involved with the Project Editors of the past, Kimberly is jumping into the judge's seat this year. She is a fine critic, and definitely knows how to speak her mind!
kireblue: Director of MomoCon's AMV Department, kireblue knows a thing or two about AMV contests, and has been involved with Project Editor for many years. He is a fair and balanced judge, and is often part of a judging/beta/review panel for many here at
Nya-Chan Production: A co-host and prior champion of the Project Editor series, Nya-Chan Production has been involved in the contest for quite some time now. Nya's been in your shoes, and knows what you're about to go through, and definitely knows a thing or two about judging.
Shin-AMV: Shin-AMV is the previous Project Editor Champion of season 2, and is a well known editor around these parts. He knows the trials you shall soon face, as well as the ends and outs of the editing itself!
The champion shall recieve the honorary title of Champion, alongside a custom ribbon on the winning video's profile page! You will also snag a $100 Amazon Gift through your e-mail!
The runner up shall be granted a $50 Amazon gift card through your e-mail!
The fan favorite video of the contest from any round (as chosen by the viewers of at the end of the contest) will receive a $25 gift card through your email!
To Sign Up
1) First, read this thread in its entirety! Very important.
2) Second, post in this thread with your username and let me know that you want to compete!
3) Check the front page and make sure you are properly listed.
4) Join us again on March 1st, when the contest will begin!
Meet Our Competitors!
1. Kisanzi
3. afanador
4. Rendakor
5. RAWdangers
6. LopezAMV
7. Animated
10. sakuraslight
11. Eake4
14. mumsee
16. Iron Solari
25. SilverFreedoms
32. Radical_Yue