While our finalists are working the last leg of their journey, I felt now a good of time as ever to open up the exit survey.
Anyone is free to answer the survey, and I will read all the comments. You can either post it here or send it to me in pm if you want to discuss something privately.
Question #1: If you could have one major change in this contest (anything is fair game), what would it be? If you could keep any one thing about this contest the same, what would it be?
Question #2: From here on out, I will be letting the contestants and viewers to submit themes that will be used in future OrgEditor contests. Therefore, if you could have any theme(s) added to our contest, what would it(they) be? Keep in mind that themes should be capable of being done within a week's time and themes involving more than one person is not always the best idea. You may submit as many ideas as you want, but I reserve the right to "trim" certain themes or alter them slightly to be more editor-friendly.
Question #3: Do you feel as though the judging critera is fair, or should there be a re-write?
Question #4: Did you feel as though you had (a) enough time to edit (b) too much time to edit (c) not near enough time to edit.
Question #5: How would you feel if deadlines were only on weekends and due during the daytime (around Noon-1PM).
Question #6: Is there anything you'd like to see added/removed from the subforum?
Question #7: Would you prefer that judging remains blind, or perhaps open up the gates and allow contestants to upload their entries to a-m-v.org once finished?
Question #8: The following changes are being seriously considered for season 4. What are your opinions on these changes?
+ (Rule Addition) Utilization of any material from a previous AMVs without the owner's consent is a disqualifying offense.
+ (Formatting Change) Changing the style from a 32 person tournament to a 64 person tournament, and utilizing a two-group system similar to "The Quickening", with the same elimination/theme standards as previous contests, just split in two. This will provide editors with a larger break (since only one group will edit at a time until the semifinals), and provide with more AMVs for the general public to watch/enjoy.
Question #9: Put anything not mentioned above that you want to talk about here.
Thanks, and I will see ya'll this winter! Dates are VERY subject to change at this point, I need to coordinate better with other contest holders before I finalize it.
Question #1: If you could have one major change in this contest (anything is fair game), what would it be? If you could keep any one thing about this contest the same, what would it be?
See question 3. If I would keep one thing it would be the concept of the contest.
Question #2: From here on out, I will be letting the contestants and viewers to submit themes that will be used in future OrgEditor contests. Therefore, if you could have any theme(s) added to our contest, what would it(they) be? Keep in mind that themes should be capable of being done within a week's time and themes involving more than one person is not always the best idea. You may submit as many ideas as you want, but I reserve the right to "trim" certain themes or alter them slightly to be more editor-friendly.
-Alignment-chart round. Create a video that represents one or more of the nine alignments in Dungeons & Dragons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_ ... Dragons%29
-Create a video about a specific country or city.
-Blast from the past theme: Create a video about yourself
-Create a horror-themed video
-Make a video dedicated to your favorite hero from an anime. The video should feel heroic, tell what your character is really about and his motivations.
-Create a video that creatively incorporates one of the following images into your video (Insert a couple of random images here)
-Create a video that in your own creative way, tells the story of how the universe and the world came to be.
Question #3: Do you feel as though the judging critera is fair, or should there be a re-write?
I don't think placements should be based upon scoring. I think this allows judges to put too much wait to a video. For example 5 judges out of 6 could all give it passing scores, but one judges tears it a new one with a really score and it doesn't advance. I think that this could be prevented by just having the judges rank the videos in order and then have scoring off to the side just for the editors to get a better idea of what the judges thought of their videos.
Question #4: Did you feel as though you had (a) enough time to edit (b) too much time to edit (c) not near enough time to edit.
Question #5: How would you feel if deadlines were only on weekends and due during the daytime (around Noon-1PM).
I prefer midnight deadlines
Question #6: Is there anything you'd like to see added/removed from the subforum?
Spam thread
Question #7: Would you prefer that judging remains blind, or perhaps open up the gates and allow contestants to upload their entries to a-m-v.org once finished?
Blind judging please
Question #8: The following changes are being seriously considered for season 4. What are your opinions on these changes?
+ (Rule Addition) Utilization of any material from a previous AMVs without the owner's consent is a disqualifying offense.
I wonder who caused that rule ?
+ (Formatting Change) Changing the style from a 32 person tournament to a 64 person tournament, and utilizing a two-group system similar to "The Quickening", with the same elimination/theme standards as previous contests, just split in two. This will provide editors with a larger break (since only one group will edit at a time until the semifinals), and provide with more AMVs for the general public to watch/enjoy.
I prefer the format as it is.
Question #9: Put anything not mentioned above that you want to talk about here.
Some of the theme descriptions always seem sketchy because I don't think they always cover everything. Also, if you ever do a parody round again. Please for the love of god, let people use a different audio source than the original.
Question #1: If you could have one major change in this contest (anything is fair game), what would it be? If you could keep any one thing about this contest the same, what would it be?
Better coordination with the judges. I'm not trying to start something, but the judges should abide by the set schedule like the contestants do.
Question #2: From here on out, I will be letting the contestants and viewers to submit themes that will be used in future OrgEditor contests. Therefore, if you could have any theme(s) added to our contest, what would it(they) be?
I'll get back to you on that
Question #3: Do you feel as though the judging critera is fair, or should there be a re-write?
I would say it's somewhere between fair to extremely forgiving. I expected to have a karma alien burst out of my stomach on occasion.
Question #4: Did you feel as though you had (a) enough time to edit (b) too much time to edit (c) not near enough time to edit.
Hard to say. I always finished on time and turned my video in, but I feel like I cut too many corners during the creation process. (My "effects" on the System Restore" video)
ProjectORGeditor is meant to be some fancy high end competition between the orgs best editors right ? They should probably deal with the time limit given
Question #5: How would you feel if deadlines were only on weekends and due during the daytime (around Noon-1PM).
Depends on the answer to question 1 really.
Question #6: Is there anything you'd like to see added/removed from the subforum?
It seems fine by me
Question #7: Would you prefer that judging remains blind, or perhaps open up the gates and allow contestants to upload their entries to a-m-v.org once finished?
I think the whole "blindness" thing was a nice touch actually.
Question #8: The following changes are being seriously considered for season 4. What are your opinions on these changes?
+ (Rule Addition) Utilization of any material from a previous AMVs without the owner's consent is a disqualifying offense.
+ (Formatting Change) Changing the style from a 32 person tournament to a 64 person tournament, and utilizing a two-group system similar to "The Quickening", with the same elimination/theme standards as previous contests, just split in two. This will provide editors with a larger break (since only one group will edit at a time until the semifinals), and provide with more AMVs for the general public to watch/enjoy.
Rule Addition - All the support !
Formatting Change - Like a tournament bracket ?
I will get back to you on this
Question #1: If you could have one major change in this contest (anything is fair game), what would it be? If you could keep any one thing about this contest the same, what would it be?
I'd rearrange the points allocation, that'd be all. And keep? The head coordinator, maybe? :>
Question #2: From here on out, I will be letting the contestants and viewers to submit themes that will be used in future OrgEditor contests. Therefore, if you could have any theme(s) added to our contest, what would it(they) be? Keep in mind that themes should be capable of being done within a week's time and themes involving more than one person is not always the best idea. You may submit as many ideas as you want, but I reserve the right to "trim" certain themes or alter them slightly to be more editor-friendly.
Edit an ambient video using action music or edit action video using a mellow music. The calmness of a storm~
Question #3: Do you feel as though the judging critera is fair, or should there be a re-write?
Hmmm, see point #1. I think it's pretty much fair, really. The number of judges effectively prevents skewing the scales one way too much.
Question #4: Did you feel as though you had (a) enough time to judge (b) too much time to judge (c) not near enough time to judge.
(c) - I'd prefer an extra day (2 => 3), at least for the first two rounds in the current system, but don't know if it's possible or if other judges would like that.
Question #5: How would you feel if deadlines were only on weekends and due during the daytime (around Noon-1PM).
Don't really care and don't really care. Timezones.
Question #6: Is there anything you'd like to see added/removed from the subforum?
Not really?
Question #7: Would you prefer that judging remains blind, or perhaps open up the gates and allow contestants to upload their entries to a-m-v.org once finished?
Bliiiind, it is!
Question #8: The following changes are being seriously considered for season 4. What are your opinions on these changes?
+ (Rule Addition) Utilization of any material from a previous AMVs without the owner's consent is a disqualifying offense.
+ (Formatting Change) Changing the style from a 32 person tournament to a 64 person tournament, and utilizing a two-group system similar to "The Quickening", with the same elimination/theme standards as previous contests, just split in two. This will provide editors with a larger break (since only one group will edit at a time until the semifinals), and provide with more AMVs for the general public to watch/enjoy.
Interesting idea. Might be worth trying out at least once someday~
Question #9: Put anything not mentioned above that you want to talk about here.
Question #1: If you could have one major change in this contest (anything is fair game), what would it be? If you could keep any one thing about this contest the same, what would it be?
- CHANGE THE COORDINATOR FOR GOD'S SAKE. Just kidding. 32 man is kinda lame, it'd be better to bring back the 64 man tourney. Keep the one week long editing. Anything more is just too much. To quote one of your tips from last year: Time management skills. Acquire them! Realize when you have time to edit and plan your submission accordingly. If you know that you only have 2 real days to commit to editing, then don't plan a 5 day effects extravaganza for your video.
If people can't finish a complete video in a week, then they shouldn't be in this contest. If you know you're working 40 hours+ at work then don't freaking join.
Question #2: From here on out, I will be letting the contestants and viewers to submit themes that will be used in future OrgEditor contests. Therefore, if you could have any theme(s) added to our contest, what would it(they) be? Keep in mind that themes should be capable of being done within a week's time and themes involving more than one person is not always the best idea. You may submit as many ideas as you want, but I reserve the right to "trim" certain themes or alter them slightly to be more editor-friendly.
- Good. Your themes were losing spunk Code (no offense). ;____; Okay, themes. These are just off the top of my head but here we go:
Crossover! (totally doable, maybe put this at a later round so the contestants are whittled down to the best) Seeing as this is really popular right now, I think it's fitting. You don't need to go all Umika on us, something simpler like Shin's SnS/Bleach crossover would be awesome. And it'd be even cooler if we see some crossovers that aren't depressing!
Weapons! Showcase your favorite weapon in a video. We'll probably see a billion swords but I think there'll be a good few that are unique.
OTPs! Either me or siny requested this last year but it needs to be done.
Sports! Pretty self-explanatory.
The 12 Olympian Gods from Greek mythology! Showcase one or more of one God's traits in a video. Super broad, but it can pull out some good concepts out of people if they think about it (hopefully). Link to gods: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Olympians
Music videos! Recreate an official music video using the same song in anime form. This can end up bad if people are lazy as hell concept-wise, but just imagine if they can recreate something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkbTp3-zBG IT WOULD BE AMAZING.
Genre-swap! Make a video that showcases an anime in a different genre than what it normally is. For example an action video with Toradora, a happy video with Mirai Nikki, or a horror story with Hanasaku Iroha. The primest of examples:
The 5 senses! Make a video that appeals to one of the five senses.
Audio overlays! Use the voices from anime as an integral part of your video.
Question #3: Do you feel as though the judging critera is fair, or should there be a re-write?
- Dunno.
Question #4: Did you feel as though you had (a) enough time to edit (b) too much time to edit (c) not near enough time to edit.
- I didn't edit but Jesus, a week is long enough. If people can't edit a 2 minute video in a whole week, then they need to work on their IC skills.
Question #5: How would you feel if deadlines were only on weekends and due during the daytime (around Noon-1PM).
- Just gonna say yes, it'd be fine. >__>
Question #6: Is there anything you'd like to see added/removed from the subforum?
- Bring back the tips! Dunno if that was in the rules/info thread but I liked those.
Question #7: Would you prefer that judging remains blind, or perhaps open up the gates and allow contestants to upload their entries to a-m-v.org once finished?
- Maybe and no. I really didn't mind the blind judging last year, it was fun. JUST GET GOOD JUDGES THIS TIME CODE. >____>
Question #8: The following changes are being seriously considered for season 4. What are your opinions on these changes?
+ (Rule Addition) Utilization of any material from a previous AMVs without the owner's consent is a disqualifying offense.
- Good.
+ (Formatting Change) Changing the style from a 32 person tournament to a 64 person tournament, and utilizing a two-group system similar to "The Quickening", with the same elimination/theme standards as previous contests, just split in two. This will provide editors with a larger break (since only one group will edit at a time until the semifinals), and provide with more AMVs for the general public to watch/enjoy.
- I don't really understand how this works. One group edits for a week then the next group edits the next week for the same round? I don't really think time was a problem this year. There weren't many drops and the people that did shouldn't have joined in the first place. Wasting contestant slots (especially since it's 32) for a month-long contest is pretty rude.
CodeZTM wrote:Question #1: If you could have one major change in this contest (anything is fair game), what would it be? If you could keep any one thing about this contest the same, what would it be?
I was going to send this privately but I think it might be a better idea to see what everyone says
How about just having a point system where everyone gets points for editing, no one gets eliminated and the ones with the most points at the end of the contest wins??
That way, editing becomes more of an investment rather than a competition because if you want to only edit in certain rounds, then you can. If you want to win the competition, then you need to edit every challenge given and, if you can pull off some time away for a week to take a break and still think its possible to win, then you can. Also, editors can choose when they want to edit and when they don't, so the issue of time doesn't become an issue anymore. Of course, judging will be harder and I don't think comments would really be allowed unless they posted their video in the announcements thread in the end. But I think it might be better because at least you'll get editors editing to themes that they might like and avoid themes they don't really like.
The only problem is that the essence of competition might be lost unless the judging was strictly enforced, like getting points from the judges was earned and not just freely handed out because they felt sorry for a competitor. So, someone has to make an amazing video with a strong concept that adheres to the theme specified to get plenty of points from the judges.
CodeZTM wrote:Question #2: From here on out, I will be letting the contestants and viewers to submit themes that will be used in future OrgEditor contests. Therefore, if you could have any theme(s) added to our contest, what would it(they) be? Keep in mind that themes should be capable of being done within a week's time and themes involving more than one person is not always the best idea. You may submit as many ideas as you want, but I reserve the right to "trim" certain themes or alter them slightly to be more editor-friendly.
Oh! I didn't see this question! :3
No Effects Theme And I mean like NO EFFECTS. Not a fade in and fade out! Not a change in the the speed of the clip. Not even a zoom-in or zoom-out! Just pure clips put right on the time-line and dropped on the timeline and the editor's challenge is to make the video interesting.
Question #1: If you could have one major change in this contest (anything is fair game), what would it be? If you could keep any one thing about this contest the same, what would it be?
Answer: A break inbetween editing time period (1-2weeks)
Question #2: From here on out, I will be letting the contestants and viewers to submit themes that will be used in future OrgEditor contests. Therefore, if you could have any theme(s) added to our contest, what would it(they) be? Keep in mind that themes should be capable of being done within a week's time and themes involving more than one person is not always the best idea. You may submit as many ideas as you want, but I reserve the right to "trim" certain themes or alter them slightly to be more editor-friendly.
Theme: Editor's perception of death.
Question #3: Do you feel as though the judging critera is fair, or should there be a re-write?
Answer: Judging most objectively is the best response I can give, hopefully they don't judge by what relates to them the most (unless specified by theme) but rather judge on each individual aspect (visual, audio, effort, etc). Each judge should also provide feedback on technical aspects and thematic aspects of the video.
Question #4: Did you feel as though you had (a) enough time to edit (b) too much time to edit (c) not near enough time to edit.
Not near enough time to edit (I am a special case however because I'm in my final years of highschool where tons of exams start and also because my parents limit my editing time due to necessity of study)
Question #5: How would you feel if deadlines were only on weekends and due during the daytime (around Noon-1PM).
If the deadline for each editor is the same there should be no problems.
Question #6: Is there anything you'd like to see added/removed from the subforum?
Question #7: Would you prefer that judging remains blind, or perhaps open up the gates and allow contestants to upload their entries to a-m-v.org once finished?
Judging blind.
Question #8: The following changes are being seriously considered for season 4. What are your opinions on these changes?
+ (Rule Addition) Utilization of any material from a previous AMVs without the owner's consent is a disqualifying offense.
Opinion: This should already be a rule unless stated by theme otherwise.
+ (Formatting Change) Changing the style from a 32 person tournament to a 64 person tournament, and utilizing a two-group system similar to "The Quickening", with the same elimination/theme standards as previous contests, just split in two. This will provide editors with a larger break (since only one group will edit at a time until the semifinals), and provide with more AMVs for the general public to watch/enjoy.
Opinion: This wouldn't provide for an accurate runner-up (infact only the winner would be accurate) but still a very good method of splitting.
I don't normally make a wordy forum post....but when I do...
lloyd9988 wrote:How about just having a point system where everyone gets points for editing, no one gets eliminated and the ones with the most points at the end of the contest wins??
While you'd think this would work in theory, the competition aspect is a crucial part of what makes this contest what it is, everyone wants to be the one to win and their chances to do so reset each round. We can pretend it's all "I just want to have fun!", but editors soon forget how much fun they had when they feel that they shouldn't have been eliminated. The first edition of POE tried cumulative scoring. People were not pleased and by the end of it, "there was basically no reason to edit" because of the strong lead that the person at the top had. You'd just end up repeating something along those lines. The people with higher scores would be the ones more motivated to edit and more likely to, simply because their chances of winning are higher....and they'd be the ones still in the competition if there had been eliminations anyway. I actually really like how the scoring is done currently. Round by round, everyone's chances are level, and editors who've done well previously get a tiny lil bump up (but nothing that would push them far ahead if they really dropped the ball in one round).
As for the rest of the survey, I only have a couple questions to address.
First, yes, keep the judging blind. After all the arguing about bias this year, you do not want to open that door, Code. Trust me. >_>
Secondly, yes, ban using footage from other people's AMVs without their permission (with exceptions for videos that are utilizing small parts to parody or showcase those videos in some manner, for example, showing a character in your own AMV watching a few seconds of a previously-made AMV). You'd think this would be a given outside of King of Spayn videos, but apparently not. I've heard the argument about how (unless it's heavily effects'd) it's just the footage and the original editor doesn't own that and, sure, I can sorta get behind that, but let's not forget what this specific contest is. It's timed. That's a HUGE part of how it works. Procuring source, processing it (which may possibly include cleaning the footage in some manner), and finding the footage you want to use is factored into that week of editing. You're shaving so much time off that work by just using AMVs where someone has already done the scene selection for you. You can use the same scenes of people throwing wine from Spice and Wolf, of course! But you did NOT go through two seasons of that show to find that one random-ass scene. Yeah, you can use dancing Vash! But you did NOT go to Brad's apartment to borrow his Trigun DVD, then spend a while trying to clean it up because the footage looks like hot ass. Someone else did that, outside of this contest, outside of the time frame that everyone is editing within.
Lastly, what's with extensions and breaks? If you give an extension on one round, that's SO not fair to the people who were eliminated previously due to the same reasons you're given leeway to the current competitors! I repeat: timed contest! Stuff might come up to make it more difficult to get your editing done. This is how it works! It's why you have a whole week! Everyone is quick to hop on the "Oh, well, I had real life stuff to deal with". Guess what? Every person competing has a real life! Would it suck to have people drop? Oh yeah, it would. You know what sucks more? Someone having to drop or get eliminated in a previous round due to "real life" interfering...only to have the people in the next round get a little helping hand when they have "real life" pop up. In order to present a fair contest, you have to keep the rounds consistent.
Question #1: If you could have one major change in this contest (anything is fair game), what would it be? If you could keep any one thing about this contest the same, what would it be?
- CHANGE THE COORDINATOR FOR GOD'S SAKE. Just kidding. 32 man is kinda lame, it'd be better to bring back the 64 man tourney. Keep the one week long editing. Anything more is just too much. To quote one of your tips from last year: Time management skills. Acquire them! Realize when you have time to edit and plan your submission accordingly. If you know that you only have 2 real days to commit to editing, then don't plan a 5 day effects extravaganza for your video.
If people can't finish a complete video in a week, then they shouldn't be in this contest. If you know you're working 40 hours+ at work then don't freaking join.
Question #2: From here on out, I will be letting the contestants and viewers to submit themes that will be used in future OrgEditor contests. Therefore, if you could have any theme(s) added to our contest, what would it(they) be? Keep in mind that themes should be capable of being done within a week's time and themes involving more than one person is not always the best idea. You may submit as many ideas as you want, but I reserve the right to "trim" certain themes or alter them slightly to be more editor-friendly.
- Good. Your themes were losing spunk Code (no offense). ;____; Okay, themes. These are just off the top of my head but here we go:
Crossover! (totally doable, maybe put this at a later round so the contestants are whittled down to the best) Seeing as this is really popular right now, I think it's fitting. You don't need to go all Umika on us, something simpler like Shin's SnS/Bleach crossover would be awesome. And it'd be even cooler if we see some crossovers that aren't depressing!
Weapons! Showcase your favorite weapon in a video. We'll probably see a billion swords but I think there'll be a good few that are unique.
OTPs! Either me or siny requested this last year but it needs to be done.
Sports! Pretty self-explanatory.
The 12 Olympian Gods from Greek mythology! Showcase one or more of one God's traits in a video. Super broad, but it can pull out some good concepts out of people if they think about it (hopefully). Link to gods: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Olympians
Music videos! Recreate an official music video using the same song in anime form. This can end up bad if people are lazy as hell concept-wise, but just imagine if they can recreate something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkbTp3-zBG IT WOULD BE AMAZING.
Genre-swap! Make a video that showcases an anime in a different genre than what it normally is. For example an action video with Toradora, a happy video with Mirai Nikki, or a horror story with Hanasaku Iroha. The primest of examples:
The 5 senses! Make a video that appeals to one of the five senses.
Audio overlays! Use the voices from anime as an integral part of your video.
Question #3: Do you feel as though the judging critera is fair, or should there be a re-write?
- Dunno.
Question #4: Did you feel as though you had (a) enough time to edit (b) too much time to edit (c) not near enough time to edit.
- I didn't edit but Jesus, a week is long enough. If people can't edit a 2 minute video in a whole week, then they need to work on their IC skills.
Question #5: How would you feel if deadlines were only on weekends and due during the daytime (around Noon-1PM).
- Just gonna say yes, it'd be fine. >__>
Question #6: Is there anything you'd like to see added/removed from the subforum?
- Bring back the tips! Dunno if that was in the rules/info thread but I liked those.
Question #7: Would you prefer that judging remains blind, or perhaps open up the gates and allow contestants to upload their entries to a-m-v.org once finished?
- Maybe and no. I really didn't mind the blind judging last year, it was fun. JUST GET GOOD JUDGES THIS TIME CODE. >____>
Question #8: The following changes are being seriously considered for season 4. What are your opinions on these changes?
+ (Rule Addition) Utilization of any material from a previous AMVs without the owner's consent is a disqualifying offense.
- Good.
+ (Formatting Change) Changing the style from a 32 person tournament to a 64 person tournament, and utilizing a two-group system similar to "The Quickening", with the same elimination/theme standards as previous contests, just split in two. This will provide editors with a larger break (since only one group will edit at a time until the semifinals), and provide with more AMVs for the general public to watch/enjoy.
- I don't really understand how this works. One group edits for a week then the next group edits the next week for the same round? I don't really think time was a problem this year. There weren't many drops and the people that did shouldn't have joined in the first place. Wasting contestant slots (especially since it's 32) for a month-long contest is pretty rude.