godix wrote:So the fact that I'm not permabanned is one of the bigger indicators the org is not female dominated.
You can't be serious. Do you know how many women lust over that 'House' series just because the main guy's an asshole? Just browse the journals here sometime. ;p
I'm just saying those things tend to drive off male behavior while leaving female behavior alone.
Maybe that's why we have a shortage of guys on the forum these days. Too many bannings target men who aren't "nice enough" to play with the girls.
C) Most of the female domination you see is due to a small handful of women.
I know. But it's fun to pretend that there are more of them - and not that the few present are active enough for three people each. You're such a spoil sport.
I just don't see the claim that females are announcing more or that videos are tending towards a more female voice.
I said that point was unverified. Don't be so picky. I don't check that section very often, so I can only base it off how many girls have posted on the random occassions I *do* look. Maybe I just have good timing so I'm more likely to catch the girl waves.
E) I strongly suspect some of the popular videos made by girls are popular primarily because 15 year old boys are sitting around thinking 'Hey, she has titties, I'll give her an all 10 op so she notices me!'
I like that. And here I thought it was because girls were more likely to give ops to friends and their friends were likely to be 'fellow' female editors. I didn't even think about the guys. o.O
However trolls and idiots still get flamed, usually in a matter of hours. Which tends to indicate a strong male presence rather than a strong female one.
Ah, but that's you, Requiette, Minion, and Cornwiggle. If you count four guys as a sign of 'male presence' you have to count those four overly active girls as a sign of 'female presence'. Right?
Of course keep in mind I'm speaking generalities here. As Oto said there's always lots of exceptions.
Generalizations are fun. Give me a female member of the org who can flame as well as any of the guys here and I'll toss my gender generalizations out the window. Girls are way too nicey nice. ;p