MP3 merging

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MP3 merging

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:03 pm

I was trying to re-rip a CD as a single track (a trance album that transitions from song to song normally) using AudioGrabber and i keep getting drive errors and then not being able to try again until i restart - I'm assuming it's a disc error or a drive error, but either way, i did manage to successfully rip the individual tracks about 6 years ago and I want to join the mp3 files if possible - any ideas? I googled and got a lot of suspect links as you often do when searching for the tag "mp3" I'm sure the bulk of those programs contain spyware or Trojans, so I'm looking here for suggestions.

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Post by Phantasmagoriat » Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:48 pm

Import both into Audacity. Then copy and paste the second track to the end of the first track. Export to mp3 [probably use the same mp3 settings as the originals].

I'm sure the same can be done using your video editing program, as long as you convert everything to .wav first.

As for the rip error, dunno, see if your firmware is up to date.
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Post by Scintilla » Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:09 pm

Yeah, but won't that recompress?
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Post by Phantasmagoriat » Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:44 pm

oh, yeah. I'm not sure how noticeable it would be, but you're right. [try it and see if you can notice the difference... worth a shot...]

For something that directly copies, the only thing I've used is vdub. I suppose you could make two videos that have the same length as the songs, add those songs with vdub, then append the two together, and demux the audio.

It sounds ridiculous, but I did it just now [for fun :P] and it worked; I ended up with one 19,557KB file from two that were 9,364KB and 10,193KB

there's probably an easier way though...
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Post by Purge » Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:05 pm

i had a similar method using avi-mux gui to append the audio files - saving as a .mka then using mkvextractgui to demux the mp3.

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:10 pm

Well, the issue i have is i can't uncompress to wav to even be able to compress to mp3... The version of BeSweet I have doesn't work on 64-bit Windows.

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:04 am

tried using besweet on my other system - transcoded to wav and it tried using premiere pro 1.5 to mux it all together... 12GB of conformed audio files later (requiring me to delete pretty much all of the music on this system asside from the CD) i find out i can't make the timeline in premiere more than 30 minutes long. So kinda out of ideas. =/


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