Welcome, all. Before you think this is a one-off, I endeavor to make a series of MEP AMVs for TMBG. This is meant mainly for those of you who aren't as interested in competing as having fun and "padding your resume."
There will hopefully be many AMVs to this project, but this is the first.
Here's the scoop:
* 1. First of all, this is not a contest. There are no "prizes" involved. Turn in your best, oddest, weirdest, most "wrong" pieces of work for this. This is a collaboration, after all. Let's have fun with it. John snd John wouldn't want it any other way.
* 2. You may submit a complete AMV or collab with another editor and turn in clips of the same song (which is a theme I'm considering for later).
* 3. Your video must meet the standards required for being uploaded to a-m-v.org. Video source must be anime, no extreme graphic violence, nudity, or sexual content. The "PG-13" standard is in effect here.
* 4. You can submit as many entries as you like, provided they are all different. Do not submit multiple entries that only have slight variations from each other.
* 5. Please refrain from publishing your clips to Yoo Toobe or other such public video web sites. We kind of want to keep the contents of the final edit a surprise.
* 6. EVERYONE who enters this project will have at least one entry in the final compilation. The catch is you don't want to turn in just one entry and have it be a mediocre video among the other great submissions. Show us your best effort.
* 7. No no NO SUBTITLES! The only exception to this rule is if you inserted your own as a means of parody or left a line in to further express the point of your video. Just make sure that whatever subtitles you leave in run with the context of the sound source somehow.
* 8. NO DivX watermarks! If you don't know how to remove that thing from playback yet, consult the Help files in the DivX program.
If any more guidelines are needed, this list will be modified to include them.
Send all entries to deuceloosely@gmail.com OR (if your email server won't allow you to transfer large files) send a download link from http://www.megaupload.com.
Be sure to send the highest quality version of your work possible. If you have the option of using DVD video rather than downloaded fansubs, please do so. Seriously.
* No no NO wmv files...period. If you wish to overcome this obstacle, PM me. In order of preference, I'll take mpeg2, avi (DivX or Xvid), or mpeg1.
* The final compilation will be rendered to 720x480 display size, a frame rate of 29.97 fps (NTSC "drop frame"), 4:3 aspect ratio as a standard for this project. Please render the clips as close to this as possible.
* If your vertical resolution is 480, encode your AMV as interlaced (lower field first) instead of progressive; it is much easier to change the interlace field order than to undo a bad 'Interlace to Progressive' encoding.
* All smaller frame sizes will be increased up to 720x480, so please don't send in videos with frames much smaller than that or it will look... bad... when resized. Like, 640x480 is okay, but 320x280...not so much.

(I know this is a lot to swallow, but the end result will be spectacular...)
Sony Vegas 7.0 will be used to piece this thing together.
Audio compressed to layer II stereo is recommended. If you prefer to leave the sound uncompressed, that should be okay.
Right now, I am looking for willing participants. If or when I have enough editors (at least eight?), we'll decide on the opening song. If you need a copy of any song, drop me a PM and I'll send it along.
Now...who's in?