Ruby-eye: Hey Lucy next is the Swimsuit Contest so would you mind changing into this bikini?!
Lucy: Why should i wear something like that?

Ruby-eye: Well like i said next round is the Swimsuit Contest, where the contestants show a swimsuit....

Lucy: Well I have no interest in wearing that!
Ruby-eye: Then what about wearing lingerie for the contest?
Lucy: I don`t wear any lingerie....
Ruby-eye: ....................................... O_o
Lucy: Well if this people want to see some female attributes that bad I will show them some!

Ruby-eye: Wait Lucy!!! You can`t do that. i wouldn`t mind if you enter the stage naked and probably most other peaple either, but there is a rule against it!!!!

Lucy: Why should i care for some rule made by you apes! *continues walking*
*Ruby-eye runs after her*
Ruby-eye: Than please cover atleast you-know-what! *hands Lucy some bandages*
Lucy: Yeah yeah, whatever.....
Chuck: And our next contestant out is ouer beautiful Lucy!!!
*Lucy enters the stage wrapped up in bondages*

Lucy: Well do you like what you see?

Bob: I certainly do!!!

Chuck: NICE! But still this is a Swimsuit Contest, so you are supposed to wear a swimsuite.
Lucy: What did you say?! *stares at Chuck*
*biside chuck one of the speakers breaks in two*
Chuck: well what I X_x
Ruby-eye: Guess I have no choice...... *knocks Lucy unconscious* ....I`m sorry Lucy.
*Lucy falls to the ground*
Bob: What have you done???

Chuck: What have you done???

Ruby-eye: just wait....
*Lucy opens her eyes*
Lucy: ......Nyu?
Ruby-eye: Nyuu would you mind to come with me? It should be easier to convince Nyuu to wear a bikini than Lucy.

Chuck: Oh yeah...
Nyuu: Nyu? .......okay!
Ruby-eye: We will be back in a few minutes.
*Ruby-eye and Nyuu leave the Stage and walk to the changing room*
*two minutes later Nyuu jumps on the stage completely naked and Ruby-eye runs after her*

Nyuu: Nyu!!!!!!


Ruby-eye: Whoaa I`m sorry I don`t know why but she just run straight from the changing room to the stage before she even changed. I tried to stop her, but she escaped......Nyuu you can`t do that!!!! >_<
*grabs Nyuu and drags her back to the changing room*
Nyuu: Nyu?!
Chuck: Oh....that was....strange.....
Bob: I liked it!

Chuck: Why am i not surprised.....

*after a few more minutes Ruby-eye enters the stage*
Ruby-eye: Well finally after some (many!!!) problems I present you Nyuu in her bikini!!!!!!!!!

took me quite some time to make this, I`m not that good at photoshop, but I think it turned out well

and here´s probably the only existing "real" picture of Lucy/Nyuu in a swimsuite