Switching to vista,,,

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Switching to vista,,,

Post by gypsy » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:12 pm

hi all.

I'm strongly contemplating making a MAJOR upgrade. I want to upgrade my pc from 32bit WinXP to 64bit Win Vista Ultimate. New ram, PCI-E card the whole works. along with the Adobe CS3 Editing Suite. (I got a BIG bonus :D )

I'm just concerned. I'm a HUGE amvapp supporter and I'm wondering if the amvapp will work with vista and / or premiere cs3 and AE cs3? I'm currently working on a amv and i'm hoping to finish it soon and it'll be a real b@$$ if it doesnt work.


P.S. If this has been asked b4, I'm sorry. I searched ut didn't find anything. :oops:
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Post by Zarxrax » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:39 pm

I'll be upgrading next week, so I'll let you know.
I think amvapp has some minor problems, but it should mostly be ok. I think all adobe CS3 software should be vista compatable.

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Re: Switching to vista,,,

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:42 pm

gypsy wrote:I'm strongly contemplating making a MAJOR upgrade. I want to upgrade my pc from 32bit WinXP to 64bit Win Vista Ultimate. New ram, PCI-E card the whole works. along with the Adobe CS3 Editing Suite. (I got a BIG bonus :D )
May sound like a stupid question, but since you mentioned going for an OS upgrade and didn't mention a cpu upgrade, you do have a 64bit processor, right?

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Post by Kristyrat » Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:09 am

Hey gypsy, I just recently upgraded Vista Ultimate, and I had the same worries. I've installed amvapp (I believe the newest version) and everything has worked fine so far. You'll get errors when it attempts the tests, but everything else should pan through fine. As for CS3, I'm pretty sure it was developed with Vista in mind, and I've even been using some CS2 software that works perfectly fine (again, so far, dunno if things will crap up when I do something obscure in the future)

Hope this helps,


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Post by M.H.A.Q.S. » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:10 pm

I am using Adobe Creative Design Suite CS3 with Vista and its works great. I think it was meant to use with Vista...kinda. :roll:

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Post by narutoball » Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:48 am

You shouldn't get Vista, espeically if you want to do some video editing as it will lag terribly, and i'm a pretty good spec computer =/ also vista isn't comaptible with some softwares like skype, with when you start these softwares up you will get disconnected as well, pretty much vista is just glitchy, i would reccomend just getting your comp upgraded and staying with XP

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Post by Kristyrat » Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:06 pm

narutoball wrote:You shouldn't get Vista, espeically if you want to do some video editing as it will lag terribly, and i'm a pretty good spec computer =/ also vista isn't comaptible with some softwares like skype, with when you start these softwares up you will get disconnected as well, pretty much vista is just glitchy, i would reccomend just getting your comp upgraded and staying with XP
Uhh, post your specs? I'm running a moderately good computer, and Vista works perfectly fine with any editing I've done so far. Skype, among a whole lot of other software that was supposed to have issues, also works totally fine. Maybe you should upgrade your software?

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Post by narutoball » Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:03 pm

well i dunno how to get that window thing open that comes up with you start <_<

but i have a 2gb of ram
T2500 duo core (i think thats the right model)
256MB nvidia geforce 8600GTS graphics card

and i still get lag ad glitches

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Post by Kristyrat » Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:09 pm

narutoball wrote:well i dunno how to get that window thing open that comes up with you start <_<

but i have a 2gb of ram
T2500 duo core (i think thats the right model)
256MB nvidia geforce 8600GTS graphics card

and i still get lag ad glitches
That's pretty much what I've got for specs, check for any software updates on your main programs, is it stalling (lagging) just in general, or with certain programs?
(Kill the sidebar, if you haven't already, it's pretty buggy right now, might clean things up a little :P)

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Post by narutoball » Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:13 pm

Ok ty O:

but i would still reccomend staying there with XP, its just alot more reliable and theres nothing really to gain from going to vista


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