by CodeZTM » Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:33 pm
Hey, a question!
Can i request to put down Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura on the "not sure if it will get done on time list", because i had a sudden inspiration last night in the shower, and i love Tomoyo in the series. The song would be "In My Dreams" and the artist would be "Groove Coverage".
Oh, and my justifacation that she deserves to be in the proejct:
Tomoyo, while she does fit the "quiet schoolgirl" sterotype, I believe her to be strong due to letting Sakura (who she obviously cares about) love others instead of herself. She's also always there for any of the characters in the anime (Shoran, Melin, and Sakura!).
Can I upload my first beta after cleaning it up a tad (with the other song) to the site, since it's not going to make it into the project?