Wow,I didn't expect the so good comments.Thanx guys and glad you liked it!!
Go get your eyes checked man!!
Although it'd be something interesting to see a scene like this...
-Beast Spear
Suck sucky five dorrar all the way...OH YEAH
Sorry man for not sending you the final beta.It was a weird day and I sent the beta only to those I found on AIM.

Thanx for the help however with the mp4 encoding and hope you'll like it.
Glad you liked it man!!
Well,I also liked the idea but I didn't know how to pull it through at the beginning.I changed my mind several times and sometimes I even thought of abandoning the project.Thank god I didn't do it!!
Since you beta-tested the first beta of 40 seconds I never found you again on AIM or on MSN.Sorry for not informing you sooner but as far as I know,you were also absent for holidays like me.Forgive me and thanx for the good words!I liked the opening too much to totally change it!!
Thanx amn for your words and also thanx for the beta-testing.You were very detailed and that helped a lot.
Well,an action opening was just perfect for the beginning of the song and I didn't want to ruin this chance.
Sorry for spoiling it to you man.However,you're missing some vital points of the plot so go watch the anime now.And lots of thanx for the fixed version of the Zarxgui.