Euphoria Technique Beat?

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Post by Yok/0 » Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:35 pm

An Epileptic Seizurific Sensation. 8-)

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Post by Kitsuner » Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:42 pm

Two Millenium vids in one day, and neither one uses Yugioh. You people sure like to toy with my expectations, don't you? :(
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
Stirspeare wrote:<Stirspeare> Lopez: Vanquish my virginity and flood me with kit. ["Ladies..."]

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Post by dj_ultima_the_great » Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:46 pm

Kitsuner wrote:Two Millenium vids in one day, and neither one uses Yugioh. You people sure like to toy with my expectations, don't you? :(
/me was thinking the same thing >_>;;

Even though I hate the artist and am indifferent to the anime, the style has perked my interest. Will get this and get back to you later, Jaddz.

- Jen

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Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:01 pm

Autraya wrote:lol
/gets video and virginity
and you got it while I was in the shower O: Naughty!
Chiikaboom wrote:fddpohiaflfngklasfhbifk
Edit: that was the hawtest thing evar.
jade_eyed_angel wrote:ahahhahahaha
yes, my thoughts exactly O.o
Narutobattousai wrote:oh snap~!
O.o yup?
moonie211 wrote:You already know I like it =)
Fun stuff!
hehe thankies XD
/me cracks whip
get back to work! maybe?
shinodude wrote:/gets
I still think it should have been called sailor moon technique beat
naw, it's not gewd enough for that XD
Caryn18 wrote:=O
Edit: WOW it was Very good!
awwww thankies XD
kikai_saigono wrote:<333333
Tsunami Jones wrote:I was horribly amused by the fact that essentially the entire video is pretty much just various transformation sequences and such :O
shhhhh you will give away mah secrets!
Actually it amuses me as well O.o
Fuze wrote:Hawt.
thanks :)
devilmaykickass wrote:i rove kayteee
and I rove you too O:
Yokou Seishirou wrote:An Epileptic Seizurific Sensation. 8-)
youre giving away mah secrets too O:
thats kinda what I was going for O.o hahaha
Kitsuner wrote:Two Millenium vids in one day, and neither one uses Yugioh. You people sure like to toy with my expectations, don't you? :(
I don't watch Yu-Gi-Oh so I guess I don't get the reference...
I almost didn't name it that when I saw the other video... but then it made me think of the "Echos of stuff" timez... I donno I think I'ma babbling now O:
Still haven't watched Yu-Gi-Oh
dj_ultima_the_great wrote:Even though I hate the artist and am indifferent to the anime, the style has perked my interest. Will get this and get back to you later, Jaddz.
- Jen
I'm not a fan of the artist myself, but that stupid song wouldn't leave me alone :evil: either way I hope it doesn't hurt your eyes too much O.o

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Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:08 pm

GAH the html ate my comments :evil:
Rave_Epic wrote:Wow. Haha. I hate Justin Timberlake and I dislike(do not hate) Sailor Moon, but this video was just so right.
Video quality was fine and the scene selection was fine. The synced up beats were really good, also.
If I had to be picky about something, I would say that the effect you used at the beginning went on for a little too long before switching to something else, but that's just nitpicking.
4/5 Great job!
no stress, and I'm not a big fan of Justin Timberlake either XD
thanks for watching though XD
SenshiMamoru wrote:Love the alternate titles xD
/me gets
and the alternate titles are both true and awsum XD
`Eclipse wrote:This gets another instant win :up:
thankies O:
ayanefan wrote:Katie caters to my every AMV dream! It's like she knows my tastes so intimately... creepy!
AMV = Very cool!
it's because "I can penetrate your mind" eeeew its a dirty creepy place O:
jubjub2 wrote:I know I have said it before... Curse you and your catchy songs.
Love this vid!
thanks jubby :)
CodeChrono wrote:^_^
Cute. I love it. Like jubjub said, you have the catchiest songs evah.
*points to Sugar High*
yea stupid radio introduces me to a lot of them... :evil: :evil: blame pop culture O:
or just blame me?
thanks :)
The Origonal Head Hunter wrote:/gets for great justice
I don't think its great justice, but enjoy?
Fizziks wrote:Great work! :up: Probably one of the best Sailor Moon AMVs I've seen!
ah but there are lots of good ones out there, you just gotta dig through the bad ones to get to them :evil: but thanks for the comment :)

i think thats all the ones that got eaten O.o
Last edited by JaddziaDax on Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by NS » Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:10 pm

Shit.. Justin Timberlake AND Sailor moon?... this could quite possibly be my worst nightmare..
/gets anyway.

will update

edit:eh.. It wasn't horrible. just random effects put to transformation sequences XD. But at least the effects or whatever fit :O

yah.. I totally just copy and pasted that. Wanna fight about it?

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Post by Greggus1 » Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:38 pm

Tsunami Jones wrote:I was horribly amused by the fact that essentially the entire video is pretty much just various transformation sequences and such :O
Kinda wish it wasn't though, because the effects were awesome enough to make this have the potential to be more than a random video.

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Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:52 pm

NerdStrudel wrote:Shit.. Justin Timberlake AND Sailor moon?... this could quite possibly be my worst nightmare..
/gets anyway.
will update
edit:eh.. It wasn't horrible. just random effects put to transformation sequences XD. But at least the effects or whatever fit :O
yah.. I totally just copy and pasted that. Wanna fight about it?
sure? fighting is fun XD
/me pulls your hair and runs away like a little girl O:
oh wait O.o
Greggus1 wrote:Kinda wish it wasn't though, because the effects were awesome enough to make this have the potential to be more than a random video.
who knows? I might make a REAL video using some of the effects I learned in this one.

So, I did get a learning experience, and I found out that my thought process on this one (and the process of breaking down how to make the effects I wanted to go for) actually worked. And this video ended up looking pretty much how I wanted it to look.

(I truthfully never thought I'd get even close to the original video but thats where the inspiration came from - hence the "cheap knock off" comment running all through the video comments.)

but considering the lyrics of the song, I don't think it had much more potential considering the source I chose. Also: I am not a big fan of Justin Timberlake, I think he has a lot of potential in his music, but usually ends up completely failing in my opinion. (also note: I dont have many animes with tons of panty shots and jiggly bewbs... Fanservice...)

Actually I chose the combination because "Pop Song + Sailor Moon = Win" kind of in the same way "Rock Song + Naruto = Win" XD (I find it ironic, and it amuses me, another "newbie mistake" that most SM Vidders do is to only use transformations - which is why I wanted to stick to just the transformations)

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Post by Shinodude » Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:59 pm

amazing what putting Euphoria and technique beat in an announcement title will do for you =D

sexy video

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Post by *inverse* » Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:31 am

Heh... I found that very amusing. Spiffay stuff Katie :3

(I still like those pretty transformation scenes and whatnot)


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