Eva-Fan wrote:To me, the only 2 types of sync that everything branches from is beat sync and lyrical sync. All the branches are just different forms of type of sync its being branched from.
Besides that, I really didn’t even word the first line on my first post all that well anyway. I meant the anime should correlate with the beat of a song or lyrics in some how or some way, if it doesn't then i fail to see the point of even making it in the first place. Since I consider "Melodic motion" under the beat sync category, I wasn't limiting that out in any way.
The only limits, if any from my first statement, are the types of amv's you feel like you are watching a random TV channel and listening to music at the same time. I don't find them enjoyable in the least.
Please I would like you to tell me exactly what is the Lyric or Beat synch in this video?
Since AMVs can only have 2 types of synch, Beat or lyric Synch, you should easily be able to give me time stamps where BMA shows beat and/or lyric synch in this video.
Eva-Fan wrote:To me, the only 2 types of sync that everything branches from is beat sync and lyrical sync. All the branches are just different forms of type of sync its being branched from.
Besides that, I really didn’t even word the first line on my first post all that well anyway. I meant the anime should correlate with the beat of a song or lyrics in some how or some way, if it doesn't then i fail to see the point of even making it in the first place. Since I consider "Melodic motion" under the beat sync category, I wasn't limiting that out in any way.
The only limits, if any from my first statement, are the types of amv's you feel like you are watching a random TV channel and listening to music at the same time. I don't find them enjoyable in the least.
Please I would like you to tell me exactly what is the Lyric or Beat synch in this video?
Since AMVs can only have 2 types of synch, Beat or lyric Synch, you should easily be able to give me time stamps where BMA shows beat and/or lyric synch in this video.
It's something just trying to be way too damn arty, and should not be considered an anime music video, it's just a normal arty piece, and to call this an AMV means that the definition of an AMV is so incredibly vague, that I could film a clip of an anime with my cell phone, and reduce it to one pixel, and then talk about computer chips and thier ability to produce images, and then put some static to it.
otbwavelength wrote:It's something just trying to be way too damn arty, and should not be considered an anime music video, it's just a normal arty piece, and to call this an AMV means that the definition of an AMV is so incredibly vague, that I could film a clip of an anime with my cell phone, and reduce it to one pixel, and then talk about computer chips and thier ability to produce images, and then put some static to it.
otbwavelength wrote:It's something just trying to be way too damn arty, and should not be considered an anime music video, it's just a normal arty piece, and to call this an AMV means that the definition of an AMV is so incredibly vague, that I could film a clip of an anime with my cell phone, and reduce it to one pixel, and then talk about computer chips and thier ability to produce images, and then put some static to it.
devilmaykickass wrote:Incoming shitstorm.
So be it; that's my opinion, if it offends people, they need a reality check, it's just a message board.
That ok, a lot of people don't understand mine at all!
Too bad people seem to think that a video with special effects are those that you see visibly... Such a misconception that is a common mistake amongst creators and hence gives the argument special effects vs. non-effects new meaning...
Honselty, old school editing only menas no effects because in the old days it was impossible to do then...
Now Seizure effects, that a whole different story!
Eva-Fan wrote:To me, the only 2 types of sync that everything branches from is beat sync and lyrical sync. All the branches are just different forms of type of sync its being branched from.
Besides that, I really didn’t even word the first line on my first post all that well anyway. I meant the anime should correlate with the beat of a song or lyrics in some how or some way, if it doesn't then i fail to see the point of even making it in the first place. Since I consider "Melodic motion" under the beat sync category, I wasn't limiting that out in any way.
The only limits, if any from my first statement, are the types of amv's you feel like you are watching a random TV channel and listening to music at the same time. I don't find them enjoyable in the least.
Please I would like you to tell me exactly what is the Lyric or Beat synch in this video?
Since AMVs can only have 2 types of synch, Beat or lyric Synch, you should easily be able to give me time stamps where BMA shows beat and/or lyric synch in this video.
K, so first of all, every player I've played it in has no audio and after reading the video comments I found out why. If the point of you showing it to me was the fact that it had no audio then I dont understand... Seriously... How can you call it an anime music video if it lacks Music to begin with. Furthermore you basically ruined your chance at proving a point by calling it "Video" and then in the next sentence using "AMVs". Doesn't that contradict your own view?
Next, since you are passing sheet music or a compositions as music in the first place then doesn't that mean the words from the text are being synced to the anime scenes being shown afterwards?
"Tum a butterfly (or any number of butterflies) loose in the performance area" I don't know the meaning of the word tum and I’m too lazy to look it up but from the way its being used I’m assuming its a verb. Doesn't matter either way, I doubt you need time slots with easily understandable points like these:
So spike is releasing (letting loose a butterfly) into the air (a performance area for the butterfly.)
"When the composition is over be sure to allow the butterfly to fly away outside"
It scene switches to spike allowing the butterfly to fly away.
The last of the lyrics are basically an explanation of how the video can start and end depending on 2 factors. I doubt the anime had a scenes that could fit that exactly so the author of the vid chose to end it there and let your mind do the rest or it was a clever trick that the doors and windows were opened before spike released the butterfly and that is why the author ended it after it flew away. I’m guessing it was just a clever trick by him not showing the windows and doors open with a scene from the anime if that was even possible. He really didn’t have to show it cause it’s explained for you anyway.
So from what I can see, it has lyrical sync, its just how you interpret it. If you say it doesn't then I guess your just interpreting it differently. But you forget one thing. The anime being shown is correlating to the Song, sheet music, composition, W/E by just 1 word lyrically from the very start to end. "Butterfly"
Look I don't mind you guys going against my opinion but is it really worth trying so hard to make my opinion obviously wrong? It's just an opinion and nothing more. To "Me" beat sync and lyrical sync are the mains. If you think differently that’s fine cause your not ME. However I enjoy a good argument from time to time so if you want to keep going at it... By all means.
"The people cannot be [...] always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to [...] the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to public liberty. What country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned [...] that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants."-Thomas Jefferson