Trouble picking up a project after taking a break?

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Trouble picking up a project after taking a break?

Post by macchinainterna » Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:05 pm

I started a non-anime music video project over two months ago. After taking a break for almost a whole month (work + the Labor Day rush) I went back to edit it more, but now I''m stuck and can't seem to get motivated again.

It's the most effort I've put into finishing a video in over a year and after about six different projects, so I have a lot of determination to see this one to the end.

I was just curious if anybody else had a hard time getting motivated to work on a video after taking a lengthy break? And if so, what are some tips to help with this?

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:28 pm

It's partly your personality and partly what you have on your mind - hell, i loose a degree of interest between ripping and clipping my footage and actually starting a project (explaining why I have so few). Try focusing on a catch of some sort that you've yet to work out - extra points if you do it away from the computer so the idea has time to seed in your mind and take shape.
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Post by Kariudo » Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:10 pm

loss of motivation was the biggest reason why it took my a year to finish my third video.
College didn't help, and after that I just had a hard time getting any work done on it

my advice: watch some good anime, listen to some good music, watch some good amvs...and be sure that you have a few hours to devote to editing after you get some motivation

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Post by macchinainterna » Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:21 am

BasharOfTheAges wrote:Try focusing on a catch of some sort that you've yet to work out - extra points if you do it away from the computer so the idea has time to seed in your mind and take shape.
That's almost like how I went about this latest project.

Since I have very little free time, I often find myself planning my video while I'm at work. During my lunch breaks I'll sit back and listen to my song of choice on my MP3 player and repeat it while visualizing how I want to put the video together. It worked out for a while, but I stopped doing it after I took my break from the project.

Thanks for the advice!

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Post by ZephyrStar » Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:36 am

You're on the right track, I agree with Kariudo, if you can't work on it, just take a step back and watch/listen/do some other creative stuff. You might also want to try storyboarding your ideas...I find that when I can see what I'm trying to do, it gives me new energy.

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Post by NS » Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:39 am

Also.. This is prolly kinda obvious, but you should also render what you already had done and watch through that a few times.. Get a feel for where you were going with the video.

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Post by Kevmaster » Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:30 am

No, Breaks usually help me to continue the video later after I got bored of editing it...

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Post by JaddziaDax » Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:45 am

procrastination is sometimes more fun than editing O:

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Post by CrackTheSky » Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:07 am

This always happens to me, and is probably the biggest reason I generally don't spend more than 2-3 days making a video (that includes ripping/clipping).

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Post by CodeZTM » Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:10 pm

Right now, i'm in a slump.

I have a lot of good songs I want to edit to, but I just haven't gotten the motivation. I have several MEP's I'm working on, and my hard drive can't take much more pressure at the moment. Until I get yet another External Hard Drive, I can't do much.

Oh, and listening to music helps spark my interest.


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