Krisqo wrote:You know I'm getting this one.
CodeChrono wrote:This was really lovely. I felt it used the overused scenes from the anime, but it was overall a pretty good amv. The song was well done, the sync was consistant, and the presentation was gorgeous.
thanks for the comments, I'm dissapointed that you felt that some scenes are overused which does happen pretty much with well-known animes, mostly because those are the best choices for the video and I used what I felt was best. though overused footage doesn't bother me unless the editor uses it in a simaller way to another which usually happens at the beginning or end of a video(if this makes any sense hehe)
CrackTheSky wrote:The thing I love about you as an editor and your videos is that with each successive release I see obvious improvement. I've been following your videos since Falling, and this is definitely the best of the three I've seen (not counting your Awwraid video ). You got the mood of the song down *perfectly*, and the feeling I get while watching this is one of wonder and...bliss, I guess would be the best way to describe it. The sync is handled very well - the video displays more of a mood sync than any prolonged beat sync, and in this case it works very well.
wow thank you so much for the comment^^
CrackTheSky wrote:The main complaints I have are technical ones - the quality is only average, and you again have an aspect ratio confusion - this should be in 16:9, I believe, not 4:3. I can of course override this with MPC, but if I were you I'd consider uploading a fixed version somewhere just because it's a rather major problem and one worth fixing.
I don't think there any AR confusion at all, during the beta stage I did go between 16:9 and 4:3 an imo the 4:3 AR looked better, also I am prefectly happy with the way it looks, sure it could look better itself but you have to admit that this one looks the best out of the 4 vids I have made(and uploaded) to the org...not counting the "awwride" vid(still can't believe I made one

) this year, though a reason that the QL not the best is because I had to crop alot of these black bars on the sides and not all of them where the same size, the 1st CCS movie had horrorble bars(which is way I didn't use it very often) so I don't know if the cropping is the reason or not but I needed to make them all the same size. Sorry I wrote so much about that, looks bad doesn't it
CrackTheSky wrote:Besides that, this is a beautiful video and I am most certainly looking forward to future ones!
agian thank you for the comment and I hope you see and enjoy my vids to come, and I hope to see more comments from you, hopefully the "technical" side of my videos will be higher next time
also to Emong thanks for the op! I'll comment to it asap