.. there's nothing wrong with that - not at all ^_^dkellis wrote:.. I generally use two or three tracks at most anyway when editing, since I think in an unfortunately linear fashion ..
.. I've never hit the Limit of 4gig myself quite possibly because of how I edit things:
1) rip the VOB's needed.
2) edit at will.
3) save the final of that cut to DVD.
4) move on to next section of the AMV by starting at #1 all over again.
5) when completely satisfied with the Editing, burn completed edit to DVD.
6) rip DVD and use Virtual Dub Mod to make the final AMV.
.. the final size is around 4 meg per minute and fairly clean.
.. ? why bother with the DVD Burns and RIPPING all the time? Magix 12 is designed to keep the VOB's integrities in tack while other editors, like Vegas & Primere, convert the Video to a RAW state for editing. Direct Editing is the simplest form and Magix excels in this area. It is however the main weakness of Magix 12; not in frame dropping, but in Interlacing Errors between different rips -- something that Pro 11 understood and Pro 12 seems to be ignoring!
.. if there was a flaw that is over looked in Pro 12 that does stick-out like a sore-thumb then Interlacing Between Different DVD's would be at the top of the list. The other good news about Pro 12 is that, "this is the recommended way of Editing your DVD's" as suggested by Magix FAQ's. In conclusion .. whichever Editor you choose to use, read what the designers of that software recommends on How To Use Their Software.
~ fin ~
( I own all three versions .. Pro 11, Pro 12 and the MEP Commercail releases - FYI )