by OmniStrata » Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:31 am
That opening is more rock-steady then the original's 'epic' feel I've been getting, but it works...
This is at its core a HOT action series [ack, pun] that involves the only overaged female child [gah?] that's turned me into a semi-loli in less than 4 episodes...
[Yes Omni, you're supposed to like women, WOMEN WITH BOOBS AND BODIES ACK*]
*stares at Margery Daw a bit more...*
ah, that's better...
But why does she get to live with the darn 'badass' delinquent, it makes no sense... [he also seems indifferent to having a near sex-goddess living with him which doesn't match my standard 'deliquent' cliche, which is good]
"Strength lies in action. Let the weak react to me..." - Kamahl, Pit Fighter from Magic: the Gathering
"That is a mistake many of my enemies make. They think before they act. I act before I think!" - Vortigern from Merlin ('98)
"I AM REBORN!" - Dark Schneider Bastard!! OAV