slight off-timing in MCP vs VLC?

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slight off-timing in MCP vs VLC?

Post by Phantasmagoriat » Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:42 pm

On my computer, MPC [with CCCP] seems to show my own amv's with the video ~60 milliseconds early compared to VLC... while most other amvs look the same [or maybe I just don't notice because it's not my own amv... and it's such a small difference...]

So I'm not sure if there's something wrong with my encodes, or if it's just my computer. I'm not trying to pimp my amvs, but if you want to know what I mean, my smallest amv is ~16MB... and you can compare the timing. It is most apparent when you don't seek.

I'm using
-an AMD Turion 64
-Windows XP Home
-MPC with CCCP
-Magix MEP 10
-edit with .wav audio
-HUFFYUV import/export
-vdubmod and avisynth

or maybe I'm just being daft...
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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:40 pm

All i can say is that i've noticed high quality h264 MP4 encodes exhibit this on systems i've used. VLC will do one thing and MPC another.

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Post by Qyot27 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:54 am

My guess is that it might have to do with the splitter used - the CCCP uses Haali's if I'm not mistaken, and VLC uses its own (which I strongly think is somehow related to Gabest's splitter since they both exhibit the two-window effect when handling dual video streams, although VLC doesn't do it right and displays one correct window and one black window).

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Post by Phantasmagoriat » Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:20 am

BasharOfTheAges wrote:All i can say is that i've noticed high quality h264 MP4 encodes exhibit this on systems i've used. VLC will do one thing and MPC another.
okay, so maybe it's not just me ;P
Qyot27 wrote:My guess is that it might have to do with the splitter used - the CCCP uses Haali's if I'm not mistaken, and VLC uses its own (which I strongly think is somehow related to Gabest's splitter since they both exhibit the two-window effect when handling dual video streams, although VLC doesn't do it right and displays one correct window and one black window).
I suppose that's a possibility, since I remember cccp asking to have Gagest disabled during installation.

now I'm not completely sure what I should use as my point of reference when making my final encode [even though it's such a small difference, I can notice it on other amvs like Galaxy Bounce as one random example... although most of the time it blends in since everything is consistently shifted over]
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Post by Qyot27 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:32 pm

Phantasmagoriat wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:All i can say is that i've noticed high quality h264 MP4 encodes exhibit this on systems i've used. VLC will do one thing and MPC another.
okay, so maybe it's not just me ;P
Qyot27 wrote:My guess is that it might have to do with the splitter used - the CCCP uses Haali's if I'm not mistaken, and VLC uses its own (which I strongly think is somehow related to Gabest's splitter since they both exhibit the two-window effect when handling dual video streams, although VLC doesn't do it right and displays one correct window and one black window).
I suppose that's a possibility, since I remember cccp asking to have Gagest disabled during installation.

now I'm not completely sure what I should use as my point of reference when making my final encode [even though it's such a small difference, I can notice it on other amvs like Galaxy Bounce as one random example... although most of the time it blends in since everything is consistently shifted over]
The 'disable Gabest splitter' or whatnot unfortunately only seems to apply to Matroska from what I've seen (although it might just be my computer) - go into MPC's options area, to the Internal Filters area. Under the Source Filters list, make sure that both Matroska and MP4/MOV are not checked. Then test the video again.

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Post by Phantasmagoriat » Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:55 pm

ok, I went there, and neither of them was checked to begin with. Oddly enough though, when I checked the MP4/MOV box, my mp4's seemed to have the same timing as VLC :), but my avi files still have the ever-so-slight early timing, even when I checked the AVI box.
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Post by Qyot27 » Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:29 pm

Then that confirms it, I suppose. Having it unchecked means Haali's splitter was handling it. I'm not sure which splitter outputs the more correct timing, I'd assume it'd be Haali's, considering the other problems VLC has when it comes to fully supporting things properly (like subtitles, or like I'd mentioned, dual video/multiple angles).

If you try to use the video in WMP6.4 (mplayer2.exe), is the timing still off?

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Post by Phantasmagoriat » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:04 pm

so a bunch of things seem odd to me here.

-when I have the MP4/MOV box checked... and I open my mp4 in MPC... no icon appears in the system tray... so no Haali... the timing will be the same as VLC

-when I have the MP4/MOV box unchecked... and I open my mp4 in MPC... and the icon appears in the system tray... so Haali takes over... the timing will be early compared to VLC.

-when I open an mp4 in WMP6.4... and the icon appears... and Haali takes over... the timing will be the same as VLC [same thing happens with the current WMP11.0]

-when I open an .avi in MPC... the timing is early compared to VLC

-when I open an .avi in WMP6.4 or 11.0... the timing is the same as VLC

however, I don't know which timing is correct per se; I've just always used VLC as my point of reference because of consistency on all computers, so I make my encodes based on that.
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Post by Rapture** » Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:34 pm

I always used Gabest as default MP4 splitter,and I never had any problems with it.. Though,I'm using K-Lite codec pack,so I don't really know the difference between klcp and cccp,but I remember that once I set Haali as MP4 splitter,and I had few problems playbacking MP4 files.

The problem may be in codecs,when it comes to FourCC of the files. When you encode as x264(directly setting codec,no GUI used),then the video will have H264 FourCC,and encoding with Zarx264 will save your video as AVC FourCC.

AVC FourCC can be decoded with CoreAVC codec,and because of that I had no problems with playing back files created trough Zarx264 with any player I have - MPC,WMP,VLC and even Winamp (when set DirectShow plug-in) o.O But,files with H264 FourCC I can only play in VLC,though there's no lag.
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Post by Qyot27 » Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:29 pm

Another test with MPC:
Go back to the Internal Filters area. Uncheck MP4/MOV, and also uncheck AAC under the Transform Filters list. Check the video again to see if that fixes the issue. Maybe it isn't a problem in the way the video stream is played, but the audio instead. I'm assuming the audio stream used here is AAC rather than MP3 - in which case, disable the MPEG Audio transform filter.


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