Gankutsuou boxed set

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Gankutsuou boxed set

Post by Sereenie » Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:11 pm

I preordered the boxed set back in September, before Geneon announced it was going belly-up. It was supposed to come out two weeks ago, yet I still haven't heard a pip about it from the store.

While I know that Geneon stated that all products officially released by early November would be distributed, I'm getting a tad worried. After all, I did receive a while ago the copy of Rozen Maiden: Träumend I'd ordered at the same time and which came out the same day.

I just want to know if the situation is only limited to those of us who ordered from Deepdiscount (or even just to me!). Has anyone received a copy of the boxed set yet? Or is the situation the same everywhere?



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