more RUM?Krisqo wrote:This thread is making my head hurt...
Autraya wrote:That's un fuggin fair
Scott Green wrote:NO OPs......blame Kev!!!
That is alright for me.Autraya wrote:ps. Kev I am not putting a dedication to SS into this. And BTW i personally think Tsukin did allot more work on it since he mixed the audio... in-fact I'm going to shut up on the whole SS thing before an arguement starts. I'm happy to mention SS as "Original Concept - Stolen Soul" but that's it.
Haha, That's actually already enough to be called betamasterGT wrote:ALPHA
[start]/just some progress/not final version (some effect work has to be done, especially the black bars)/feedback appreciated/[end]
Oh, thanks.Kevmasterflashdeluxe wrote: It was damn smexy
Only Thing I thought of would be giving it some more power on the parts with the repeating words (centuries, centuries, centuries, centuries / faith, faith, faith, faith), but now after watching it like 10 times, I don't rly feel it's nessacry (<i>I rly gotta learn to spell this fucking word -_-</i>) though.
I hope so, man. I hope so.Scott Green wrote:fix'dmasterGT wrote:Delany117 will kick HELD's ass right into the hole where his beta came out with an even better beta
I gotta say you two are very creative with your Effects I lub that, very sweet Beta Mr. GreenScott Green wrote:my beta
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Soad2: Reborn after the Rebirth
Soad2: Who's Dave?
Soad2: Rising from the Ashes
Soad2: Why's the RUM gone
Soad2: All Slots filled
Soad2: Betas today
Soad2: Rum kills the pain off
Soad2: Soretsu is too gay to edit
Soad2: Pr.Coordinator is an emo and cuts his wrist because of no betas
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