AE masking confusion

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AE masking confusion

Post by blabbler » Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:18 pm

Hi people,

Um... this is probably pretty daft, but I can't seem to work out how to use masks in one layer to adjust a second layer in after effects.
Basically, what I want is:

Layer A, containing masks X, Y, Z
Layer B, containing footage
X, Y and Z to make areas of the footage in B transparent.

If that makes any sense...

I know I can make masks in layer B to achieve the effect, but I would like to keep them independent.

Is this possible?


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Post by Brad » Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:29 pm

Well... if it was really important to keep them independent, you could make one layer your footage, and another layer a Track Matte. If you don't know what a track matte is, it's basically a video track that defines the opacity levels of another video track. The original video layer looks at the level of black and white in the track matte layer and thats how it defines what is opaque. For example, if your track matte layer was just a white rectangle on a black background, then your video layer would only show through that rectangle area.

Now how this applies to what you're wanting to do is slightly complicated, but can be done. it'll involve making 2 compilations. 1 compilation is the track matte, the 2nd compilation is the original video, plus the 1st composition as its own layer. you'll make the track matte composition as a series of masks. If you're doing your masking in Photoshop, then you'll want to just make your mask black and white (a solid white shape around what you want masked, and everything else black), then import it into AE, and just line them up. Because each image is its own layer, you'll basically just have to kind of "stack them" one by one, moving each frame over, but it can be done.

Once the track matte comp is done, you put it on top of the original layer in it's own composition, then set the TrkMat property on the video layer (if you don't see it on the main timeline window next to the video's name, click the Toggle Switches/Modes button at the bottom and it should show it), and set the Alpha Matte to the new track matte composition you made.

Heh, if this all sounds too complicated, its because it kind of is. you're really better off just having individual masks on the video layer itself :P
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Post by blabbler » Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:43 pm

Dude! Yes! Thank you!

:up: :up: :up: :up:

Wondered wth the track mattes were for. I've been faffing around putting masks in adjustment layers and all sorts.


I need to keep the masks seperate, as they are on a motion tracked layer. Also, it keeps things neat - and if my understanding of what you said is correct, I may be able to mask out areas of my mattes within ae, so that could mean fewer trips to photoshop.

I'm not familiar with the term 'compilation' - is that different to a composition?


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Post by blabbler » Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:44 pm

Sorry, I'm a retard. Of course I know what a compilation is.

Thanks again,

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Post by Brad » Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:51 pm

blabbler wrote:I'm not familiar with the term 'compilation' - is that different to a composition?
Heh, you were right to be skeptical. I meant to say composition. My brain just got messy.

But yeah I'm glad my explanation was received well :)
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Post by blabbler » Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:18 pm

Made loads of progress today thanks to your advice. I feel a credit coming on...

Prepare to be profoundly embarrased.



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