48 kHz?

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Post by post-it » Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:23 am

.. MLP -vs- MP3 .. ( MPL maybe ) someone was saying that there was a format for audio which accepted 96k sampling rates; or was that Verbos ??

.. I'm not looking for DTS nor AC3 encoding, just a non-WAV format that works at 96k Sampling Rate & 192k or better Baud Rate ( joint-stereo perfered ^^ )

.. I zipped through Doom9's Message Board and "did find two references to 96k Sampling Rates" but they never clairified what they encoded it with T_T" and as far as I can tell, they are going about this DTS/MTS A/52 AC_3 thing a$$-backwards; Joint-Stereo at 22k sampling rate will hold all the structured-channels in place perfectly ( tested by myself and others ) locations from left to right, when locked by Joint-Stereo, make it impossible not to decode it correctly in MP3's and via the Radium Encoded AVI's & MKv's .. but 48k sound better ^__^ 96k would sound even better :P

.. .. a quick history lesson for those who didn't hear QS CD-4 SQ and Discrete-4 encoding back in the 1974 era
.. Sansui's QS-4 failed because it required four-separate-channels to be encoded in a studio; it was transmitted over FM-Stereo-Radio's which detected a second carrier ( 19k stereo, 38k Quad, 76k 2nd audio ) which was just too much garbage for non-digital Analog to "lock-on-a-signal." Records ( LP's .. Albums ) had no problem with those carriers if "IF" your record Needle ( Stylist ) could respond to those freqencies.
.. JVC's CD-4 Demodulator .. same problem as QS-4.
.. Discrete-4 is now called AC_6 .. .. Reel to Reels & 8-Tracks only! ( tape drives )

.. Columbia House Records used SQ ( location mapping ) encoders/decoders which simply put a "Region Of SPACE" [[ left (front) 60% to 80% . left (rear) 10% to 40% . right (rear) 10% to 40% . right (front) 60% to 80% ]] and it worked flawlessly even over standard stereo radio signals. If you had a stand FM Stereo Tuner, it didn't matter because the decoder was either purchased separately or from a KIT via Radio Electronics for about $20.00 .. ? region left speaker to region right speaker ? is that possible ? and they were not out-of-phase to each other ? .. yup!
[[[ . . lf lf lf . lr lr lr . center . rr rr rr . rf rf rf . . ]]] the un-used area's ( regions ) were usually drums and bass guitars and mostly back-up-singers. -- kinda simple eah ?? BTW those regions can still be decoded from CD's made today if they are following the standards set by an alliance between Columbia/RCA/JVC/SONY in 1975 and adopted by EMI. http://www.stereosociety.com/FourSides.html

.. conclusion .. if DTS/PRO Logic II/AC3/AAC/MP3se are all such new products, then why can they decode things recorded in 1975 flawlessly T_T .. A/52 lovers your encoders were RC Timing Networks and Transistors in the 1970's, how hard can it be to re-create something once everybody has forgotten where it came from ????
http://www.quadraphonicquad.com/forums/ ... d.php?t=82
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Post by Kevmaster » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:01 am

O.o I never thought something simple like this could get into such a big discusion..

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Post by post-it » Sun Dec 02, 2007 1:19 pm

Kevmasterflashdeluxe wrote:O.o I never thought something simple like this could get into such a big discusion..
.. hehe, five years ago if you said anything about 48k sample rates, the board lit-up like a xmas tree and then the subject vanished ( usually within two hours from when it started, the subject was erased. )


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