Hay you gays, this thread keeps dying. Pistol whips for those who let it die :O
i dont care spam it all you want
Anyways, small update. Mhm.
I got a few questions regarding credits. First off ill be needing pictures and/or brief descriptions soon (with the exception of moonie cause drawing you as a fox is fun =O) because ill probably start the credits once my current video project is done, which should be by the end of christmas break, that is, if i work my butt off for the next two weeks. That and i had some questions on how the credits will be layed out. And er..
heres a very.. very rough sketch of what the characters would generally look like (yeah modeled off LS characters cause they're easy to draw and they're CUTE dangit). Anyways im debating whether im going to do this frame by frame or in flash. With flash it might end up looking ridiculously phony but it would take less time. Frame by frame would probably look better but itd be ridiculously time consuming. I dont know im going to have to experiment with both and see what i can do. Ill probably end up doing frame by frame simply because i want the credits to blend in well with the rest of the project. And for you males out there, dont worry you wont end up wearing a cheerleading outfit ;O
but i could always change my mind.
As for how the credits will be laid out.. around 18:40 - 19:08 we'll have a few dance scenes blending in with various anime used in the project, and from 19:09 until 19:45 we'll have actual credits appear, and then for the ending there will be a totally epic dancing finish that'll leave viewers crying for more... er.. yeah. I cant go into major detail right now because its 3 AM and im sick and my head really really hurts @_O; hopefully you guys get the general concept.
Too sum it up.. how are tracks going? I havent heard from some of you guys in a while, so make sure you're watching the thread. Remember im expecting something from everyone by the end of next month, so get to editin
Remember guys
Radical_Yue wrote:dis is serious pplz.