So I deleted all my .d2v files and re-installed the amvapp, then I used dgindex and made new .d2v files, added the scripts in makeavis and made fake avi files, now when I open vegas and it tells me that it couldnt find the files and I chose the new fake avis as replacements, all of the files appear as offline (and of course, still no image). And when I just try to add one of the fake avis into vegas, it wont even let me do that (just like when I try to add a .mkv or w/e).
This is the whole scipt now:
Code: Select all
mpeg2source("G:\FullDisc\HELLSING 1\AVS files\Hellsing Episode 13 (Part 1).d2v")
The fake avis play perfectly fine when I add them in Virtualdubmod Btw...
Oh, and another Thing I noticed while installing the amvapp:
Odd Thing is..That I am the Administrator of the Computer
I just clicked OK and then it asked me if I want to try again, cancel or ignore..I just hit ignore and continued...
All The Scripting works fine...O.o but I thought maybe this could be the issue?
Phantasmagoriat wrote:so In short, get your computer back to the same state is was when it worked |:
Back to the time when my Internet wasnt working anymore?
Actually, I don't even know how to do that. My Internet didnt work anymore, so I asked my stepdad to fix it..he used some program (I think it was called Wincleaner) to clean my computer from..uhh..I believe he said unnecessary registry files...I also switched the accounts on my computer and then my net worked fine again..
and Now I'm sitting here with more sh*t...I love my computer ^_^