moonie211 wrote:
Finally got some more HD space so im gonna have a new full beta probably sometime this month.
And i keep forgetting to send you my track for your project @_O; ill send it today, i promise, along with that roto.
Takefuji wrote:
Related note, "Reading Break" = Take has editing tiem, therefore beta up sometime soon.
Also related note, sorry Moonie, but in my defense you shouldn't wear pants made out of cookie dough.
I also agree about the cookie dough pants O:
Eva-Fan wrote:moonie211 wrote:BTW I can't seem to find my new pair of pants..
Have any of you guys seen them??
Pants are overated...
tis why i eat them
Eva-fan wrote:
Roy Mustang wrote:all female officers will be required to wear TINY MINI SKIRTS!
This applies to da MEP.
But if i was wearing a tiny mini skirt you'd never get any pics O:
Radical_Yue wrote:Eva-Fan wrote:
Roy Mustang wrote:all female officers will be required to wear TINY MINI SKIRTS!
This applies to da MEP.
I will make you fucking cry like a little girl if you come near me with a mini skirt for me to wear
You'll cry out for Godix to come an anally rape you with inthesto, for that would be better than the pain I would inflict on you.
You'd better not wear a miniskirt, otherwise its time for rape O: