DGMPEGDec (DGIndex) Not Working

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DGMPEGDec (DGIndex) Not Working

Post by RubyHatchet » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:16 pm

I installed amvapp (which seems to need an update maybe) and was successfully ripping DVDs and creating AVI clips from the footage. Suddenly, while trying to browse for a new VOB file so I could create a .d2v and .avs file, DGIndex closed. No error messages.

I tried uninstalling all of amvapp and reinstalling. DGIndex still won't work. I've tried different stable versions of DGMPEGDec, but DGIndex still doesn't work.

Any suggestions as to how I can find out what's breaking the program?

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Post by celibi87 » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:20 pm

I had the same problem with VDM not too long ago. Come to find out that if you had a earlier release of the program on your comp then try to install the new one it will not work/close on you. Did you have an earlier release of AMVAPP when you tried to install the new one?

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Post by RubyHatchet » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:29 pm

I hadn't been trying to reinstall anything until DGIndex suddenly stopped working. Besides deleting a couple of unused AVI clips I created in VirtualDub, I hadn't changed a single thing in my system when it decided not to work anymore.

I have noticed that it tends to close when I open a certain folder--the top-level folder that contains my video files for the one I'm working on. Once it no longer would allow me to browse into that folder, I began by uninstalling the entire amvapp suite and reinstalling it. Didn't work. :-/

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Post by RubyHatchet » Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:29 pm

I'm thinking that some file in my video files folder is corrupted or something? Is there a program to see if a file is sound?

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Post by RubyHatchet » Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:22 pm

I think I've got it. It wasn't DGIndex at all. I had been creating some cliips with VirtualDub and Windows Explorer had a hard time dealing with so many large files in one folder, so browsing to that folder broke whatever program might try to look inside.

Lesson learned: screw VirtualDub. Just use the .avs files in Premiere. @_@


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