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Post by Osakaisthebomb » Wed May 28, 2008 12:57 pm

Alright I'm back with reviews. I decided to be a little different and put the reviews on the forum instead of PMs.

Your last beta looked real good. Really like the speed and movement.

Hagaren Viper
Same as Kasemon15, reall good speed and flow.

Oli. C
I REALLY like yours. It has character to it. also (not saying the first two don't) the idea of brokenness theme in it.

I like it but then again sometimes the effects you have are more distracting and takes away instead of adds to it. Try and get more footage in there if you can.

Code Chrono
0:00-0:07, I like the pace. after 0:07 it gets bad. A few god spots show up but the rest just needs more flow and movement. 0:19-0:25 I get the pictures tell a story but the lack of movement clashes with the music. Also I really am confused as to what I'm seeing. What's the brokeness of the video? what is the story exactly?
A good redirecting of the video will help it out a lot.

A beautiful anime to a dirty,grundy metal? Amazingly works!!! good on everything. I think I see the brokenness in it but not sure.

Good editing but I don't like the direction you went it. I know it's silly to ask this of a violent anime but you video is too violent. Not to mention the quick nude scene. I hope not to lose you like I did with another over the same thing (video being to dark and violent) but I need you to try and tell the story with less violence somehow.

Only problem is I don't see "Brokenness" in the video.

Overall the videos are looking good and I'm getting excited.

If I forgot anybody let me know. I'm expecting a beta from everyone else by the end the month. As for a FINAL deadline, lets wait until all tracks are filled.

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Post by Kazemon15 » Wed May 28, 2008 4:02 pm

Osakaisthebomb wrote:Alright I'm back with reviews. I decided to be a little different and put the reviews on the forum instead of PMs.

Your last beta looked real good. Really like the speed and movement.
^^ Thanks, I'll try to make it look more broken.
Hagaren Viper
Same as Kazemon15, reall good speed and flow.
Fix'd. And yay, Hagaren. XD
Oli. C
I REALLY like yours. It has character to it. also (not saying the first two don't) the idea of brokenness theme in it.
:O ...I wanna see!
If I forgot anybody let me know. I'm expecting a beta from everyone else by the end the month. As for a FINAL deadline, lets wait until all tracks are filled.
Gotta get busy again then. =3

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Post by Hagaren Viper » Wed May 28, 2008 4:40 pm

Kinda waiting on reviews from the two beta testers before I continue...*prods beta testers*

And I find it a releive that my Digimon segment will fit amongst all these anime aimed for an older audience ^^;

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Post by Kazemon15 » Wed May 28, 2008 4:45 pm

Hagaren Viper wrote:Kinda waiting on reviews from the two beta testers before I continue...*prods beta testers*

And I find it a releive that my Digimon segment will fit amongst all these anime aimed for an older audience ^^;
Because Digimon pwns all. :D

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Post by Oli.C » Wed May 28, 2008 5:16 pm

Osakaisthebomb wrote:I need you to try and tell the story with less violence somehow.
Phew that is fairly important information as mine was potentially heading into that direction... Well, being Elfen Lied 'n' all. Therefore may I pose a Q, is it alright for me to use implied violence but not show the direct act? e.g. Off-camera someone is wounded but you only see a splash of blood lets say? It wouldn't be for the sake of pure violence, more so for dramatic/mildy traumatic effect.

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Post by NS » Wed May 28, 2008 5:22 pm

Maybe you should lighten up a little bit osaka.. I realise this is supposed to be a "christian" MEP or whatever, but come on.. it's supposed to be christian metal and whatnot.. let there be some intensity.

idk, that just my opinion >_>

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Post by Fuze » Wed May 28, 2008 10:33 pm

Sorry guys, I'm afraid I'm going to drop out. It wasn't in vain, though. It has opened my eyes somehow. Whatever. I need to think about some things.
"He's happy because he's insane."

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Post by Magnus » Thu May 29, 2008 12:15 am

I'm out too as well im afraid. I mearly have time editing at all since all the ending tests are going on right now. peace out.

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Post by Osakaisthebomb » Thu May 29, 2008 12:44 am

Oli.C wrote:
Osakaisthebomb wrote:I need you to try and tell the story with less violence somehow.
Phew that is fairly important information as mine was potentially heading into that direction... Well, being Elfen Lied 'n' all. Therefore may I pose a Q, is it alright for me to use implied violence but not show the direct act? e.g. Off-camera someone is wounded but you only see a splash of blood lets say? It wouldn't be for the sake of pure violence, more so for dramatic/mildy traumatic effect.
Well It's not that I don't want any violence it's just extreme violence. Off camera stuff is alright, (I'd like to see that scene where she's got that mean glare while the blood floats in front of her face).

Also If any one shows someone being violent in there video, I'd prefer it to look like at some point the either regret it or seem unsure about what they are doing.

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Post by Oli.C » Thu May 29, 2008 12:47 am

Osakaisthebomb wrote:Is there any chance that any of the editors so far would like to do track 2 or 11 as well as the one you've got now?
Depending on how things go with my track over the next week or two, I may be willing to try out for track 2. Still, lets see if someone comes along until then.

EDIT: @Zetzu/Fuze - Sorry to see you guys have to go! :(
Last edited by Oli.C on Thu May 29, 2008 12:48 am, edited 2 times in total.


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