eaglemech_45 wrote:AMV's were a huge draw once. Like a mythical creature that you could only see on the big screen only once every now and then. But like most mythical creatures it's slowly fading away and has lost it's status as a CON staple. Well this coming year Rob Miles and I are Going to put AMV's back in the Spot Light right were it belongs. I Can’t give away to much as I still Need to talk a few companies but next year I suggest you find your best Suit and Tie or the Best dress you own You Might need it *wink, wink.-Sean
I disagree that AMV contests are fading away. At every con I go to, it's usually the second most-attended event. What I have seen is more and more cons having concerts by JPop artists, which brings a completely different type of fan that is uninterested in the rest of the con, particularly AMV's.
While I was only able to attend one of the screenings from last year's contest, I would be interested in comparing total attendance last year to this year. I do agree that the contest was not well-attended, but as a department head, you have to be familiar with the concept of attendees being used to how things were done last year. I'm sure there were a lot of people who came to the con assuming that there would be multiple screenings, at least one a day, and planned their weekend accordingly, only to find that there was only one chance to see the videos and vote.
All that being said, I was fortunate enough to hear Rob's ideas for the AMV contest for next year, and since you wish to keep it under wraps, all I will say is that I am salivating! I am already planning on coming back next year for the full four days! AMV creators are going to love it, so we should all hang in there! Even if you guys only accomplish a fraction of what you want for next year's contest, it could very well make Fanime THE west coast con for AMV creators.