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Feedback on cataloged Anime Music Videos

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Post by jubjub2 » Thu May 29, 2008 11:47 pm

Amo-Chan wrote:I thought it was XD. And my son loves it :D.
Go mom! :up: Fun stuff.

It was a little over cleaned in some places, but constant quality is hard to achieve when you have multiple sources.

I lol'd at the 'shape of an L' bit.

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Post by Amo-Chan » Thu May 29, 2008 11:49 pm

jubjub2 wrote:
Amo-Chan wrote:I thought it was XD. And my son loves it :D.
Go mom! :up: Fun stuff.

It was a little over cleaned in some places, but constant quality is hard to achieve when you have multiple sources.

I lol'd at the 'shape of an L' bit.
Anime moms ftw! XD.

Yeah, I noticed that too, but since this was just a silly video I wasn't going to freak over quality really. Hey...it's called "Stress Relief" for a reason :wink:

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Post by 1arururu » Fri May 30, 2008 2:12 am

It was very fun to watch =D

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Post by Kitsuner » Fri May 30, 2008 2:44 am

I was confused a lot.
OtakuGray wrote:Sometimes anime can branch out to a younger audience and this is one of those times where you wish children would just go die.
Stirspeare wrote:<Stirspeare> Lopez: Vanquish my virginity and flood me with kit. ["Ladies..."]

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Post by Amo-Chan » Fri May 30, 2008 2:44 am

Kitsuner wrote:I was confused a lot.
I apologize

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Post by CodeZTM » Fri May 30, 2008 11:19 am

Moar Amo stufs? :O

I don't think it was your best work. It was nice, all right, but it was just kind of averagey. At times, it was really kind of random, and that's kind of weird for you.

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Post by Megamom » Fri May 30, 2008 11:57 am

Kawai AMV...good job!!

4/5...Muy bueno!

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Post by DriftRoot » Fri May 30, 2008 6:22 pm

It was random, however I think for the first time ever I'm going to say that using lots of different series made for a better AMV than sticking with one - assuming, of course, that you approached this AMV exactly the same way if you used only one source. I found myself struggling to make a connection between the music and the video a lot of times. The multi-source AMVs I typically say "YAY!" to depend heavily on making that connection in each and every scene, otherwise it just winds up being a really random experience. Using one source would have allowed for more character development, more storyline, but that probably would have changed this AMV considerably, which is why I say that if this is how it was going to be done, I prefer the multi source approach that you took.

The most jarring aspect of this for me, technically, were some of the transitions, mostly the more lengthy cross dissolves, particularly when transitioning from one series to another. Yeah, all the footage wasn't spot-on perfect, but I've seen far, far worse and it wasn't distracting to me. The only source I'd question was Death Note, it didn't really match the style of animation the other series used and except for a few sports scenes and, of course, the "L" on the forehead (NICE!!) I didn't think it fit in too well. If it had been confined to a cameo appearance on a forehead, that would have been fine.

I liked Yokata! better, but I watched this entire AMV without feeling like I'd seen all it had to offer in the first 20 seconds. I'm even rewatching it, which is something I rarely do with any AMV, so that's a pretty nice accomplishment. :)

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Post by Amo-Chan » Sat May 31, 2008 6:04 am

Yup, I'm sure this wasn't my best work ever either XD. And yeah, I'm positive it could have been better, had I actually invested time and effort. But, to be completely honest, this silly little video was a request from my 7 year old. He likes Shrek...a LOT, and that translates into liking this song...a LOT. So, he asked for a video and it was actually his idea to put L on someone's forehead. He wanted Death Note to be in the video because, well, he likes that too. So, I figured the last thing I wanted to do was take a massive amount of time to make this. He's 7...and 7 year olds are not known for their patience. Actually,all throughout the day I worked on it I was being asked "Mom, is it done yet?" XD And I never really intended to org it or announce it, but was asked by a couple of people to do one...and then I figured it was such a silly thing that I decided on my own to do the other.
Besides, it's really nice to spend time on my hobby not taking it seriously at all. And even though there are some technical issues and whatnot, it's nice to know that people are still having a fun time watching it :D

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Post by CodeZTM » Sat May 31, 2008 8:56 am

Awww.... If the target audience is seven years old, you hit the mark right on the forehead.

But I'm curious. Is the Death Note that your child watched the censored dubbed version (Shadow Note) or the real version? I'm just always curious about stuff like that, because my little sister KIND of likes anime too (she adored Cardcaptors, even though it made me shudder in digust since I wish she was old enough to read more properly and watch the subbed CCS) and I'm always interested in what else she might like (she saw Chobits on my DVD shelf and wanted to watch that, but that isn't happening until she's at least 21) :shock:


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