It was random, however I think for the first time ever I'm going to say that using lots of different series made for a better AMV than sticking with one - assuming, of course, that you approached this AMV exactly the same way if you used only one source. I found myself struggling to make a connection between the music and the video a lot of times. The multi-source AMVs I typically say "YAY!" to depend heavily on making that connection in each and every scene, otherwise it just winds up being a really random experience. Using one source would have allowed for more character development, more storyline, but that probably would have changed this AMV considerably, which is why I say that if this is how it was going to be done, I prefer the multi source approach that you took.
The most jarring aspect of this for me, technically, were some of the transitions, mostly the more lengthy cross dissolves, particularly when transitioning from one series to another. Yeah, all the footage wasn't spot-on perfect, but I've seen far, far worse and it wasn't distracting to me. The only source I'd question was Death Note, it didn't really match the style of animation the other series used and except for a few sports scenes and, of course, the "L" on the forehead (NICE!!) I didn't think it fit in too well. If it had been confined to a cameo appearance on a forehead, that would have been fine.
I liked Yokata! better, but I watched this entire AMV without feeling like I'd seen all it had to offer in the first 20 seconds. I'm even rewatching it, which is something I rarely do with any AMV, so that's a pretty nice accomplishment.