Deathscythe_Animated wrote:Garylisk wrote:But seriously, the bigger problem in this website's community, in my opinion, is the way people treat others. I will not name any names, but there are certain individuals who make a lot of newcomers feel very unwelcome, and I do not agree with them finding immunity because they didn't technically break any rules, or that they've been around forever.
This is very true. However, no matter what community you belong to, the elitists will always treat the noobs like noobs until you can prove that you keep up with them and that your work is just as good as theirs. So, maybe rather than everyone trying to outdo everyone else (especially in the field of effects), maybe quite a few people are just trying to get approval and acknowledgement from the community at large.
I have a cure for all this. It's called
not caring. Who cares what effects that person added in the video or how many times (s)he pwned at a convention or two. To me when I won at a con or two, all that makes me feel is "oh look, I showed everyone I have the least social life in this hobby and I got a nice plastic trophy to show for it and I still hide em in my desk or bury in my drawer where I hide all my other shame. I hide these trophies better than I ever hid in my pornographic literature. I'd rather my weak grandmother find my porn mags and just die right on the spot from shock(I can only hope) before she found my 'Prize Trophys'."
Sure the elite will always look down on the noob. If you truely like the hobby, the elitists shouldn't be your problem. The whole thing is like a Retarded Olypmics(Yea..I know). Everyone in the hobby is retarded. Stop looking at the elitists as an elitists but instead view him/her as some other Retarded pimple poppin, pocky eating weaboo putz. The only difference from you and that elitists person was she/he was the retard that knew to tie his shoes/or charge the battery powered wheel chair.
Deathscythe_Animated Wrote
I've been playing WoW for over two years now, over those two years I've leveled several characters and attempted to be recognized as the best in my class. Eventually, no matter how good I got, I came to the realization that there will always be someone better than me.
Funny, I sometimes think that WoW/AMVS, run in the same program.
1. You need Special equip'd friends(guild) in order to survive.
2. Behind all those high stats is a person who pisses and shits like you
3. Both hobbys give you nothing to show for your achievements in return but more stuff your gonna wish you got rid of.
Sephiroth Wrote
in the begining it was about the anime
It's still about that. : /
which leaves me with this. One thing that sucks about being an anime buff.
On this forum your viewed to be a person with high Class of taste of anime who pays attention to what your seeing like paying attention to the animation, following the details ect.
But in the Public. If you are a person that watches Ergo Prozy/NGE/Serial Experiments Lain. Like a Certain Race, You'll always be tied down and stereotyped by your living contradiction.