Are digital/video effects really necessary for a good AMV?

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by Kristyrat » Thu May 29, 2008 8:02 pm

Kitsuner wrote:
Niotex wrote:IF you can pull them off, do it. If you're just another kid on the block who doesn't know jack shit.. Well I'm sorry your shit out of luck.
In other words, until you can make it look good, keep it a secret that you even try.
I feel really bad saying this, but I entirely agree.


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Post by anurok » Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:57 pm

OropherZero wrote:Illeia is walking proof that the answer is "no".
godix wrote:Ignore all these people telling you that you don't need effects. They're just the current popular editors and they don't want competition. So they're intentionally lying to you in order to cripple any chance you might have to ever become popular yourself. Of course effects are required for a good video. So if you want a popular video just dump lots and lots of effects onto the timeline. Don't worry if it's so much that you can't even see the original anime, that doesn't appear to actually bother most people. After all they've seen the anime before. You'll bore the audience unless you add something shiny to distract them.

If you think I'm just being a smartass here I suggest you go look at the top 10%. See on the forum everyone is posing and pretending to believe shit they don't really believe. It's because they think it impresses people or some such shit like that. To see what people REALLY believe look at what they rate highly when they think no one is paying attention. Euphoria. Spoil. Skittles. Any of the dozens of wondertwin crapfests. The org *LOVES* effects and despises anything that doesn't flash to the beat.
Lol. I love it. Godix = Sarcasm god.
N0OB wrote: Koop edits his s*** in Paint and it looks better than this.

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Post by Jasta85 » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:04 pm

almost zero effects (maybe 5 seconds of effects in the whole thing) but much more enjoyable than many of the seizure or MADs that are being pumped out these days

flashy lights != good amv, they just help make a potentially good amv better

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Post by Falconone » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:23 pm

if the effects fit to the scene and the song, then all is ok. But to many times i saw videos with effects which makes no sense, and so the video get shit. To many effects are also not good. So it must fit nothing more or less. I like also good videos without effects. But well if both are good, there is no difference for me.

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Post by Scott Green » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:53 pm

MY first thought when i read the topics in general amv:

"Are these threads and Questions really necessary for AMVs?

Anyway to the topic:

If the effect you use enhances the mood/story you want to create, then you should use effects, otherwise they will just be in the way.... imo

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Post by Emong » Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:05 pm

Somehow I've kinda learned to love the way how something gets drowned in the textures =P

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Post by Omikami_Amaterasu » Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:22 pm

anneke wrote:A good/strong video concept will be good regardless of how it's edited. The best editing is when you don't see/realize there is editing going on because it feels right/natural.

Enough said. ;)

I remember when I edited my college project, my professor pointed to some shots and asked me why I presented the footages the way they were shot; I said no, the original footages don't look anything like that, but I meant for the edited product to look "real" instead of being recognized as an enhancement.
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Post by jimraymorris » Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:05 am

Fall_Child42 wrote:making an AMV but I'm a bit worried because some spots only have 5
stock effects at once. I know the great AMVs have 20 to 30 at once at
all times. So what effects can I add to the slow parts to increase the
shininess of my video?

Well here is where our knowledge of AMVs really can come in handy. First I must dispell the myth that these are stock effects, no each one is handcrafted for a very deep and symbolic meaning. We have compiled a list of the Single most important effects to use in your video. If you want to have a video that will win you contests and then money and women, you'll need to follow this guide. My crack team of investigative AMV watchers have invested countless minutes revewing all of the videos on's top ten percent, in order to coallate a Top ten list of the single most important effects of all time. Let's get started shall we?

#10) Use Naruto, Bleach, or Dragon Ball Z, many people think these things are just source. I call those people ignorant fools. Naruto, Bleach, and DBZ are actually complex special effects, and are kind of cheating when it comes to winning fame and popularity. NARUTO AND SHIT!

#9) The Lens flare. The lens flare is the last bastion of the creative individual. So much is possible with lens flares alone you hardly even need footage, but combine them with footage and the creative possibilities are endless, Lens flare Nipples, Lens flare Crotches, Lens flare eyeballs, lens flare lens flares, and they can even be used to metaphorically represent the light that contributes to the final image actually refracts all the way through the lens assembly onto the sensor in addition to film flares that happen when non-image light ( i.e. sun rays) reflect off the lens assembly and strike the sensor. Metaphorically of course. LENS FLARES AND SHIT

#8)The Samurai X Strobe. This is a very specific strobe effect included in the footage, and thus makes it better than all other strobe effects. It also makes it our number eight effect. Please disregard the fact that the strobe will never be timed with your music, it only makes it more artistic, just like the film. SAMURAI X STROBES AND SHIT

#7) The bar effect. This is a very important effect, but sadly it's use is diminishing. The bar effect is one of Earth's non renewable resources. Over %50 of the earth's entire amount of bar effects can be found here. ... hp?v=61198 BAR EFFECTS AND SHIT

#6) Funny Accents. All of the best effect creators have accents better than yours. Unless you speak like a southern belle hand have blonde curls, If this is the case please contact

#5)Schizophrenia, it causes you to hallucinate and see things that arn't there, and hear things that aren't there, add these are the two components of an AMV. So there you go.

#4)Wrong Aspect Ratios. Are you tired of having all you favorite character be too short and fat? I know I am. Well when you use the wrong aspect ratio it makes the characters nice and tall and thin. This is especially good for drama videos, when the characters are thin they have eating disorders, and nothing's more dramatic that that. I might suggest going the other way for comedy videos. Everyone knows fat people are funny, and funny people are Jewish. Therefore fat people are Jewish.

#3)Penile Enlargement Medication
Do you believe in magic? We suppose you're likely to answer "no.". We hadn't believed, either...until the moment we tried MegaDick! What this wonder medicine does to a human phallus cannot be called otherwise than a Miracle!
Just picture to yourself, that your love wand suddenly becomes longer and thicker and makes women tremble with desire!
It's fabulous!

#2)Glow, if your video does not look like it's on a transparent overhead that's been put on the surface of the sun and projected on the moon during a lunar eclipse, obviously you've done something wrong.

#1) In the beginning there was God, and the cross fade. God cross faded the universe and gave birth to heaven and earth. Day and night was formed when God cross faded from white to black. the separation of land and sea was nothing more than a cross fade. Everything that is was and will ever be is a direct result of the cross fade. And God saw the cross fade and the cross fade was good. It is also the number one effect.

And I think that's All we are going to answer for now. More questions are always welcome, and I'll try not to murder you all in your sleep.

Please feel free to send any and all questions to GGMYTEAMSUCKS@GMAIL.COM

And send all negative comments to

Till next time,



The Crack Team.
teh best post i have ever see

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Post by Adv1sor » Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:17 pm

As the keeper and editor of the line up for " presents The Ten Greatest AMVs of All Time!" I can tell you that, unless an AMV has some great mind blowing effect every couple of second....


Effects can help an AMV but can never, ever, make an AMV.

Good quality footage, good timing, good editing and scene selection, flow, storyline, in short, what anneke said,
A good/strong video concept will be good regardless of how it's edited. The best editing is when you don't see/realize there is editing going on because it feels right/natural.
I made an AMV for a friend using his band's own original music and cut in pictures of him and his band. I had to point out the pics to him because he didn't even notice them in the AMV. Although the AMV is only average this, to me, was taken as a great compliment! (You can see it on youtube, "We Had It All, the AMV")

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anime wardrone
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Post by anime wardrone » Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:56 pm

Digital affects sometimes add to the quality other times there just annoying for me it usually doesn't matter what matters more to me is the amv syncing on different levels


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